As a law student and future lawyer, you will have to read a lot. Active reading is an important skill– thinking about what you are reading as you are doing it. • Reading actively, you skim through the material until you reach an important point– which you can then read in detail
• Active reading helps you: cut down reading time, remember relevant information, think critically about the topics, and create better revision notes.
Active reading
Reading with purpose and using the SQ3R technique
SQ3R technique
1. Survey (or skim)
2. Question
3. Read
4. Recall
5. Review
Survey (or skim)
Find out what it is about and if it is relevant
Make a list of questions
Read the relevant parts, highlight and underline (NOT WITH LIBRARY BOOKS)
Try to see if you can recall/remember what you read
Review your notes to make sure it makes sense
Read with purpose - Know what you are looking for! Make a list of key questions!
Extra reading hints!
Do not do too many readings at once
Remember you do not have to read everything in detail
Use different colored pens and highlighters to mark key passages
List down words that you do not know and use a dictionary to define them later
Keep yourself organized– keep all your references in one place (a document or notebook– use ZOTERO:
Reference as you go!
Career options for a law degree
policy adviser
law librarian
Career options continued...
LLB Graduate
Private sector - Private practice OR In-house counsel
Public sector - Government OR Judiciary OR Legal aid
Community - Community legal center
The reality of a lawyer job
help people
give CLEAR advice about COMPLICATED problems
are negotiators and advocates
read and write A LOT
The competence or skill expected of a profession– the conduct, aims, and qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person
Professional identity
How you see yourself as a member of the legal profession and the beliefs, values, expectations, motives, and behaviors that arise from how you perceive yourself in your professional role
Duties of lawyers
Uphold the rule of law and administration of justice
Conduct yourself in an ethical manner
Cannot mislead the Court
Cannot put forward misleading evidence
Refrain from matters where you have a conflict of interest
Remember lawyer-client confidentiality
Represent your client professionally and competently
Handle your client's money properly
Professionalism in the Pacific
The legal profession is different from that in Australia and New Zealand
Legal profession in the Pacific
Specific pieces of legislation and different codes govern the conduct of lawyers
Failure to abide by the law and rules has serious repercussions for your career as a legal practitioner
You can be suspended or removed from the bar or even sued by your clients, exacerbated by the small size of the Pacific islands
Having a positive professional identity is important, developing one starts in law school
Aspects of professionalism in law school
Academic integrity - Choosing NOT to plagiarize, cheat, or collude
"To plagiarise in law school is to demonstrate a lack of constant vigilance in abiding by the ethical dictates of one's professional community."
Justice must not only be done but be seen to be believed! – JB Morton Always consider how the public perceives the legal profession and what harm might be done to that perception if you engage in a certain behavior.