Casework GO!

Cards (15)

  • what is casework go!
    • about rapid detection of male DNA in SA
    • it is the lysis step in DNA extraction
  • compare 2 types of extraction techs
    1. silica column based: perform cell lysis in a solution, apply it to the column, and unwanted part of the matrix flows through while wanted is bind.
    2. paramagnetic: magnetic core is coated with silica membranes. separation of mag particles occur when mag is applied.
    • it has a wider SA for attachment and thus covers lots of DNA
  • what does the FSQ use for extraction
    1. DNA IQ
    2. prep vfiler
    • both are magnetic based
  • list the process of paramagnetic based extraction
    1. pre-lysis
    2. incubate with mag particles for DNA to bind
    3. lysis: use mag to pull non-mat to 1 side to dispose remaining solution
    4. washing
    5. repeat
  • what does DNA extraction allow
    • to determine how to use dna profile
  • what are some challenges to this method
    • DNA can be lost!!!
    1. continuously changing the pipette tips and tubes
    2. multi washes (column: 3 and DNA IQ:2)
  • direct PCR
    • FTA cards <- DNA is already stuck and lysised due to chemical on card
    • used for reference samples
  • what’s the problem with direct PCR
    w/o washing, the DNA is not purified and contamination is removed
    ie. heam in blood = inhibitor which = poor separation
  • list the steps for SA sample collection
    1. medical exam
    2. evidence collection with swab <- stored for 12 months
    3. FECK <- forensic evidence collection kit
    4. delivered to the centre
  • what is the process when the swabs are submitted
    1. FECK swabs undergo: colourimetric(colour change of AP =purple) and immunological
    2. prepare slides for confirmatory test
    3.sperm searcher AI and 1 reader
    4. reader 1 and reader 2
    5. consensus
  • what is the new process for the swabs of SA
    1. cut a small piece of SAIK
    2. use GO! for lysis
    3. 30 min lysis for DNA isolation
    4. use quantified trio quant
    5. detect Y target
  • List the steps for CWG-Y-screening
    1. Add sample
    2. add CWG master mix
    3. vortex
    4. spin
    5. incubate 60 degrees for 25 minutes
    6. incubate 80 degrees for 5 minutes
    7. spin
    8. detect Y-target quantification using quantified trio kit
    9. lysate
  • notes about the go! method
    • only work in batches of 12
    • DI: degradation index b/w 1-2.5 = DNA is intact
    • DI > 2.5-4 = DNA mildly intact
    • DI 4+ = DNA degreaded
    • in differential aMp, LA target are more prone to effect of inhibitors
  • explore sperm score
    +<5: very low
    +: low
    ++: medium
    +++: high and abundant
  • list things that go! included and excluded
    • low and around limit of detection
    • compounds like lube that can interfere with Y-screen test
    • digital rape or AP30 absent
    • single swab of FECK
    • immunological test
    • victim is a minor or vulnerable
    • no suspect nominated
    • cold cases