peds #2

Cards (38)

  • Hepatitis B (HepB) 1st immunization received by a newborn prior to leaving the hospital after birth, its spread by CONTACT, is inflammation of the liver
  • "Pertussis ""whooping cough"" symptoms: begin w bronchitis & a slight temperature elevation cough steadily worsen, leading to > paroxysms (spasms) of coughing, characterized by a ""whooping"" sound"
  • NEVER give asprin to children w chickenpox in order to protect against the danger of Reye syndrome
  • "Streptococcal Pharyngitis ""strep throat"" - common in children older then 2 years old - white patches on tonsils, can be caused by it - an elevated temperature that DOSEN'T fall after giving an antipyretic(acetaminohen, ibuprofen) may also point to it - children may complain of a ""lump"" in the throat or their neck hurting"
  • following are signs of sexual abuse: sudden behavioral changes, abdominal pain, gastric distress, headaches, emotional disturbances, avoidance of touching or physical contact, vaginal or rectal bleeding or lesions
  • Rubeola (a.k.a the red measles) found in: - nose - mouth - thoat - eyes - and their discharge transmitted through DIRECT CONTACT w an affected individual & through AIRBORNE DROPLETS
  • "Rubeola ""red measles"" highly communicable & difficult to recognize in its early stage because the symptoms resemble those of the common cold, roseola infantum, and rubella - incubation period is 10-20 days disease begins w: a slight temperature elevation runny nose watery eyes by day 2 or 3 diagnostic bluish-white pinpoint spots with a red rim, called > Koplik Spots appear in the persons mouth" think 'R' 'E' 'D' in reubeola as - red measl...
  • Mumps (also called, epidemic parotitis ) viral disease that affects the salivary glands especially the parotids*it's transmitted through direct & indirect contact & through salivary secretions (PROTECT CHILDREN FROM CLOSE CONTACT WITH SIBLINGS)children younger than 2 years & adults seldom, contract mumps [however, adults who contract mumps may suffer serious after effects, including sterility in men]
  • Vaccines Myth vs Facts Vaccines cause autism & sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) persistent myth that autism is associated with immunizations has been disproven by numerous scientific studies. This textbook defers to the extensive scientific data available through the NIH, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, and the CDC Websites, which provide recommendations and guidance for immunization usage, in-depth discussions regarding vaccinations, and issues related to possible complications
  • Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (H. influenzae serotype b [Hib]) is a serious bacterial infection that may affect many organ systems causing: 1. pneumonia 2. meningitis 3. epiglottitis 4. endocarditis 5. osteomyelitis 6. cellulitis 7. otitis media 8. septic arthritis Consequences of infection with Hib can be death or morbidity; with problems such as permanent hearing lossbrain damageother long-term sequelae (a condition which is the consequence of a...
  • Varicella (chickenpox) originates w the varicella zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes herpes zoster (shingles) Following or concurrent w a rash a fever develops. Itchy rash develops first into papules then vesicles & finally pustules that turn into crustlike lesions that fall off in 1-3 weeks highly infectious disease the varicella virus is found in the: - nose - throat - blisters - crusts blisters generall...
  • Isolation Precautions: Contact ex's viral conjunctivities, lice, scabies, infectious diarrhea, impetigo
    think of acryonym S.L.I.I.V like sliving paris hilton
  • "Diagnostic test w the following result may indicate Rheumatic Fever: ELEVATED WBC count, ELEVATED erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) [commonly know as ""sed rate""], POSITIVE C-reactive protein (CRP), ELEVATED antistreptolysin-O (ASO) tier"
  • the most common lice infestation (pediculosis) in children occurs on the head(perdiculosis capitis)
  • nursing considerationfor parasitic care teach students to avoid head to head contactnice to share but not when you have lice- no sharing combs, hats, or hair stuffAVOID plush sofaswash clothes in hot water & dry on high heat; lice die at temp over 128.3 degrees
  • Sudden Unexpected Infant Death cause of SUID can include: metabolic disorders hypothermia hyperthermia abuse neglect posison accidental suffication or can remain unknown
  • "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) primary cause of death in infants 1 month to 1 year etiology of SIDS is unknown Theory #1 > an abnormality in brain stem functioning results in faulty respirations Additional causes: incomplete bubbling after feeding secondhand smoke pillow usesmall for gestation-age (SGA) infants r at GREATER risk"
  • Burns partial thickness or full thickness percentage of body surface varies w age cheif nursing concerns in treating burns are: combating shock alleviating pain restoring fluid & electrolyte balance
  • Poison Prevention call 1-800-222-1222 contact poison control for recommendations label all poisonus chemicals w warning labes & store them in locked cabinets keeps medications & poisonous materials in their original containers & secure them when a poisoned child arrives in the ED, the stomach is washed out (gastric lavage), usually with normal saline, in an effort to remove as much poison as possible. This procedure must be done quickly to prevent as much absorption of the harmful substance into the blo...
  • Failure to Thrive (FTT) - flat affect (which means the child has LITTLE or NO emotional expression in response to external stimulation) has a psychosocial rather than a congenital physical causeIf the cause is related to a difficult social or home situation, commonly owing to a disturbance in the parent-child relationship, the FTT child may appear malnourished & may have spindly(arms&legs), a potbelly, and an unnaturally old apperance
  • children w Spina Bifida tend to extremly sensitive to LATEX make sure children DONT come in contact w items like: - tourniquets - catheters - rubber bands - gloves - ballons - various tubes made of latex
  • Encephalocele if the bones in the fetal skull DONT close correlty, a portion of the brain may herniate(protrude) through the opening degree of damage to the child’s functioning depends on the encephalocele’s size, location, and on the presence or absence of strangulation or rupture in the brain The chief danger in this condition is possible rupture of the meningeal sac, leading almost inevitably to meningitis or encephalitis. The defect can be {{c8::surg...
  • Spinal Bifida Occulta opening in the childs vertebral colum w NO apparent symptoms - discovered only w an x-ray of childs spine - a small tuft of hair or a port wine stain sometimes appears in the vertable area it may be corrected by surgery IF necessary
  • Spina Bifida w Meningocele occurs when ONE layer of the meninges herniates through an opening in the vertable column - will have a visable sac on the back but may show no disability - may experience muscle weakness, difficulty w bowel & bladder control - (rarely) paralysis corrective surgery IS NEEDED meningies> the spinal cord covering
  • Spina Bifida w Myelomeningocele is the most serious bifida the meninges & prt of the spinal cord protrude through an opening, the child has a visible sac on the back - they r usually paralyzed - may have bladder or bowel control problems - serious complications include; meningitis(inflammation of the meninges covering the spinal cord), encephalitis, hydrocephalus surgery is necessary to prevent infection & preserve as much nerve function as possible, its often soon after birth
  • Mongolian Spots irregular dark, bluegreen areas generally found on the LOWER back the shapes have regular edges & are NOT a sign of abuseare almost always present in Asian infants & are frequently found in Mediterranean & African infantsusually disappear by about the age of 23 years & should be documented for reference
  • Developmental Dysplasia when the hip joint of a newborn is dislocated or prone to dislocation Infant is placed in a splint brace or Pavlik harness for 3–6 months to maintain the hips in an abducted position. The problem may be corrected in the small infant with the use of multiple diapers, which keep the hips abducted. These measures keep the head of the femur within the acetabulum, promoting bone development. We need to handle these children carefully so as NOT to displace or worsen the displace...
  • Celiac Disease chronic intestinal disorder involves small bowel inflammation & nutrient malabsorption. Its thought to be congenital, although its effects may not appear for several months or years after birth. Usually, however, the condition manifests itself within 6 months after birth. *children w celiac disease have an intolerance of the protein gluten found in - barley - rye - oats - wheats Is characterized by large, floating, fatty stools; anorexia; undernutrition and FTT; distended ab...
  • Meningitis is a general term, describing acute inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain & spinal cord can be caused by bacteria or viruses book > is an acute inflammation of the meninges of the brain
  • Meningitis symptoms: fever, headache, altered LOC(should be NPO for this reason), neck stiffness(nucal rigidity), children may have tense or bulging fontaneals & high-pitched cry
  • Meningitis diagnostic: is often VIRAL can be gram-negative or gram-positive VIRAL MENINGITIS > is always gram-negative
  • Pediculosis lice infestation
  • Pinworms infections(enterobiasis) r one of the most common infestations in children bcs they typically DONT yet have good hygiene habits & often put their dirty fingers into their mouths,children ingest the eggs which mature in the cecum the hatched worms lay ova in anal&perineal folds causing local itching signs: - scratching - teeth grinding during sleep - fatigue - anorexia - irritability google: Pinworms are small parasites that can live in the colon and rectum parasites > an organism that lives in or on an organism of anoth...
  • scabies is a microscopic mite that is easily transmitted among children & adults of all socioeconomic classes. The mite burrows into the epidermis where it lives & lays its eggs. intense itching & pimple-like red rashes r most common symptomsdirect, skin-to-skin contact spreads the mite from one person to another
  • Toxoplasmosis infection from the feces from cat litter or ground soil
  • "Scarlet fever is also GABHS(group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections) but more often considered another type of strep infection appearance of a generalized flush or redness caused by a sandpaper-like rash of pinpoint-like red spots crowded together (macular rash) tongue becomes coated with a white substance that later disappears, leaving prominent papillae (""straw-berry tongue"")google: a bacterial illness that develops in some people who have strep throat"
  • Rheumatic Fever an autoimmune reaction to GABHAS believed to result from continued streptococcal infections (e.g., scarlet fever, streptococcal sore throat), in which the child becomes sensitive to streptococci or develops an autoimmune response google: an inflammatory disease that can develop when strep throat or scarlet fever isn't properly treated
  • when a poisoned child arrives in the ED the stomach is washed out(gastric lavage) usually w normal saline in an effort to remove as much poison as possible This procedure must be done quickly to prevent as much absorption of the harmful substance into the bloodstream as possible