boards want sugar + starch/protein (ex: orange juice + crackers, apple juice + turkey, 1/2 cup skim milk bc milk is sugar/protein BUT NO normal milk bc we don't want the fat to convert to ketones)
how not to treat hypoglycemia
candy + soda bc 1 sugar is fine, 2 sugars ARE BAD
5 packs of sugar emptied into a glass of orange juice
how to treat unconscious hypoglycemic pts
if pt is home: glucagon IM
if pt in ER: D10 or D50 IV (NOT D5 BC THAT'S ONLY 300 CALORIES)
DKA causes
too much food
not enough insulin
not enough exercise
#1 cause: acute viral UpperRespiratoryInfection w/i last 2 weeks --> hyperglycemic bc of stress due to illness
S/Sx of DKA
Ketones (in serum), Kussmauls, high K+ (potassium)
Acidosis, Acetone breath (sweet breath), Anorexia due to nausea
*ketones in blood/serum IS = DKA
*ketones in urine DOES NOT = DKA
DKA treatment
REGULAR insulin IV
IV fluid (fast rate at 200 mL/hr)
DKA primarily affects DM1
hyperosmotic hyperglycemia nonketotic state (NONKETOTIC is hint that it affects DM2 bc type 1 is prone to ketones, NOT type 2)
HHNS causes
high blood sugar in DM2
S/Sx of HHNS
dry skin, flushed, decreased turgor, increased HR
HHNS treatment
outcomes of successful treatment: increase UO, moist mucous membranes