Caravel: a ship designed for long voyages that sailed against the wind
Vasco de Gama
-India (set up important European trade route to India) A Portuguese explorer.
Pedro Cabral (de Gama’s successor)
discovered brazil by accident, continued de gama's work
Christopher Columbus
-First European to discover America in 1492
Ferdinand Magellan
His expedition became the first from Europe to cross the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigate the world.
Hernan Cortez
-Conquered the Aztec empire
Francisco Pizzaro
-Discovered Peru, conquered the Incan Empire and became government of that territory
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
-Most famous for crossing the Isthmus of Panama, allowing him to see the Pacific
-First European to see the Pacific Ocean
Sir Francis Drake Pirated Spanish ships.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Founded the Roanoke colony
The Effects of the Columbian Exchange: are Brought new resources from the New World to the Old World such as animals, crops, and religious ideas. It also brought bad things such as diseases which killed many. The three G’s are Gold, Glory, and God.
No colonizers came to the Mayans
-The mayans settled in mexico and central america.
-capital: Tikal
-Nature gods centered their religion
- Hieroglyphs (the first known writing system).
-Created an accurate calendar system that guided agricultural cycles based off of the sun and sky.
-Lived within the valley of Mexico.
The capital (Tenochtitlan) was in the lake -surrounded by water and mountains.
-High elevation.
-The Aztecs are well-known for their scarification in their form of belief.
Causeways helped transport people (large wooden bridges).
-Chinampas (floating gardens).Remember they focused on agriculture.
-The Incan Empire had a mountainous and extensive geography.
-The extensive feature allowed the Incas to build road systems along the mountain ranges, stretching about 15,000 miles.
-Peru, Chile, and Ecuador.
-The Incas believed in the natural gods/polytheistic culture.