Histo Lec 18

Cards (99)

  • nervous system
    - complex grouping of organs
    - composed of nervous tissues
  • cns
    2 major subdivisions of nervous systems
  • brain, spinal cord
    CNS is composed of
  • a. Ganglia
    b. Nerve trunks
    c. Nerve endings
    pns is composed of
  • somatic
    Anatomic subdivision of PNS
  • 1. Meninges
    a. Dura mater
    b. Arachnoidea
    c. Pia mater
    2. Choroid plexus
    3. CSF
    4. Spinal cord
    5. Cerebellum
    6. Cerebrum
    Components of the Central Nervous System
  • meninges
    are the fibrous membrane enclosing the CNS
  • dura mater
    pia mater
    3 layers of meninges
  • outer layer
    inner layer
    two layers of meninges in the brain
  • outer layer of meninges in brain
    is the fibrous periosteum of the inner surface of the cranial bones
  • inner layer of meninges in brain
    poorly vascularized layer which blends with the outer layer
  • responsible for collection of cerebrospinal fluid and its return to the vascular system
    function of dural sinuses
  • subdural space.
    The dura is separated from the arachnoid by a
  • inner layer of the cranial dura
    one layer of dura of the spinal cord is called?
  • epidural space
    dura of the spinal cord has only one layer (inner layer of the cranial dura) and is separated from the periosteum of the vertebrae by the
  • used for administration of epidural anesthesia
    epidural space function
  • arachnoid
    Membrane w/ numerous fibrous trabeculae on its inner surface
  • pia mater
    most intimate protective membrane of brain and spinal cord
  • - very fine collagenous and elastic fibers
    - as well as small vessels.
    pia mater is composed of?
  • covered by mesothelial-like epithelium
    pia mater
  • Choroid Plexus
    vascular network of the pia mater
  • choroid plexus
    Folds of pia mater containing capillaries covered w/ thin cuboidal epi
  • produces csf
    function of choroid plexus
  • cerebrospinal fluid
    clear, colorless fluid
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
    - fills ventricular system and central canal of the spinal cord
    - occupies the subarachnoid space
  • choroid plexuses of the lateral, third and fourth ventricles of the brain
    csf is produced by?
  • cushion cns
    acts as lymphatic channel
    function of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Spinal Cord
    slender portion of the neural tube
    round to oval form in a cross-section
  • gray matter
    white matter
    2 division of spinal cord
  • gray matter
    H or butterfly pattern.
  • gray matter
    located in the middle of spinal cord surrounded matter
  • - nerve cell bodies
    - unmyelinated nerve fibers
    - some myelinated nerve fibers
    - protoplasmic astrocytes
    - oligodendrocytes
    - microgliocytes
    - some blood vessels and
    - fine connective tissue fibers.
    gray matter consists of the
  • Large multipolar motor neurons
    ventral gray columns
  • Medium-sized neurons
    lateral gray columns of the thoraco-lumbar segments
  • small neurons
    - dorsal gray columns
    - have axons
  • spinal canal
    Found in gray commissure and lined by ependymal cells
  • white matter
    composed of myelinated nerve fibers and some unmyelinated nerve fibers, neuroglial cells and blood vessels
  • - dorsal funiculus
    - lateral funiculus
    - ventral funiculus
    white matter division (3)
  • Dorsal Funiculus
    region between the dorsal gray columns (white matter)
  • Lateral Funiculus
    portion between two adjacent dorsal and ventral columns (white matter)