MPP Lesson 7

Cards (22)

  • social network can be characterized as a patterned set of relationships between two or more people
  • they call them actors in the social science literature
  • social capital is the resources such as ideas, information, money and trust
  • social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows among people, groups, organizations, computers, websites and other actors
  • network tie is the connection between each relationship of actors
  • node is the point of each actor in the network
  • direct ties are those in which a single link spans two actors where connections exist between actors
  • indirect ties are where connections exist between actors but only through other actors
  • network size is the number of actors
  • centrality is the extent to which a given actor is in the middle of the network
  • density is the reflection of how many people in a network are connected (usually directed) to each other
  • communication network is the informal structure of an org represented in on going patterns of interaction
  • information network shows who goes to whom for advice on work-related matters
  • problem-solving network indicates who goes to whom to engage in dialogues that helps people solve their problems at work
  • access network shows who has access to whose knowledge and expertise
  • 5 key dimensions of work quality: activity, control, access, influence, and power
  • 3 principles in the social network: reciprocity, exchange, and similarity
  • the principle of reciprocity refers to the degree which you trade favors with others
  • the principle of exchange also refers to trading favors however, it proposes great opportunity to the other in different conditions
  • dunbar's number refers to having 150 ties and no more than that, as it is the upper limit that you can effectively maintain
  • managing the innovation network includes: 1. connect, 2. set boundaries and engage, 3. support and govern, 4. manage and track
  • 4 types of archetypes: 1. idea generators, 2. researchers, 3. experts, 4. producers