Cards (15)

  • Analogy comes from the greek word analogia which means likeness or resemblance.
  • Analogy explains the relationship between words and ideas.
  • There are ten types of analogy
  • Hot:Cold is an example of a opposite analogy
  • An example of an object and classification analogy is spoon:kitchen utensil.
  • Spoon:fork is an example of an object and related analogy.
  • Father:mother is an example of a person and role analogy.
  • An example of cause and effect analogy is Read:learn.
  • Sad:lonely is an example of degree of characteristic analogy.
  • Trees:forest is an object and group analogy.
  • Example of an problem solution analogy is starve:eat.
  • Sew:clothes is an example of effort and result analogy.
  • Pen:write is an example of object and function analogy.
  • An example of performer and action analogy is actor:act.
  • A good example of cause and effect analogy is smoke:fire.