National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) is the country's premier socioeconomic planning body, highly regarded as the authority in macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis and research. It provides high-level advice to policymakers in Congress and the Executive Branch.
Coordination of activities such as the formulation of policies, plans, and programs to efficiently set the broad parameters for national and sub-national (area-wide, regional, and local development)
Review, evaluation, and monitoring of infrastructure projects identified under the Comprehensive and Integrated Infrastructure Program consistent with the government's thrust of increasing investment spending for the growing demand on quality infrastructure facilities
Undertaking of short-term policy reviews to provide critical analyses of development issues and policy alternatives to decision-makers
A country where public and private sectors perform their respective roles efficiently, such that people have equal access to opportunities, resulting in inclusive development and zero poverty
To formulate continuing, coordinated, and fully-integrated socioeconomic policies, plans, and programs to enable and empower every Filipino to enjoy a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay
Economic planning is a resource allocation system in which the government makes economic decisions based on an economic plan. Planning is a mechanism for the allocation of resources between and within organizations contrasted with the market mechanism.
Vision 2040 a statement of where Filipinos aspire to be in 25 years. It is a set of goals identified by the public, for themselves, their children, their community, and the country.
Medium-term development plans, usually for a five-year period, to promote economic development by assessing the current state of the economy, increasing the overall rate of investment, carrying out special types of investment to break bottlenecks, and improving coordination between different parts of the economy.
Integrated public investment program - formulating a more systematic plan of the public investment program as an integrated whole, by making estimates of the total financial resources available, the costs and benefits of alternative investment projects, and prioritizing projects based on time pattern of costs and benefits.
The most significant characteristic of economic planning is that it should possess definiteobjectives. Planning means conscious and deliberate undertaking for a definite objective. For instance, economic planning has the objective to accelerate the rate of growth, elimination of trade cycles, bringing the stability and a attain full employment in the economy.
Central Planning Authority
The existence of a central planning authority is another feature of economic planning. This central planning authority is responsible to prepare different schemes of development and coordinating the various activities. The central planning authority takes all decisions relating to production and consumption in an economy.
Democratic Character
Another pioneer feature is its democratic nature. No doubt, various plans are prepared by experts but at the same time, adequate opportunities are provided to the people to actively participate at various levels. Being federal structure of Indian Constitution, the Union Government only uses its fiscal, monetary and physical controls to guide and give direction in consequence with the five year plans.
In the decentralized set up of planning. Planning Commission is the apex body. It provides the necessary perspective, guidance and coordination. Furthermore, it serves as a close link between different agencies so that functioning may be smooth. In this regard, Planning Commission is an advisory character.
Another important characteristic of planning is its comprehensiveness in scope. As central planning authority takes all decisions regarding production, consumption and distribution, thus, it must cover the entire economy which must be comprehensive in scope. In other words, planning must be effective so that the planning of one sector may not be nullified by the absence of planning in other sectors.
Planning for Consumption
In a centrally planned economy, it should not be confined to production alone but at the same time, it must cover the distribution and consumption also. In other words, the planning authority should not decide what and how to produce but it must keep in mind and decide accordingly among whom it is to be distributed.
Rational Allocation of Resources
Generally, in under-developed countries, available resources are scarce and these resources are allocated in such a manner as to get maximum social welfare. It needs to fix up priorities relating to economic development, thus, allocation of resources in accordance to these fixed priorities.
These scarce resources are also allocated to eliminate wastages for maximizing social welfare, coordinating inter-sector and international plans into a single unified unit which, in turn, promotes economic development in an economy.
Feasible Policies and Targets
A good planning is based on the initial resources of the country to achieve the feasible goals and policies. In this way, domestic resources are planned for attaining economic stability
Economic planning is a resource allocation system in which the government makes economic decisions based on an economic plan
Planning is a mechanism for the allocation of resources between and within organizations contrasted with the market mechanism
As an allocation mechanism for socialism, this replaces factor markets with a procedure for direct allocations of resources within an interconnected group of socially owned organizations which comprise the productive apparatus of the economy
In most third-world countries, planning has provided a motive force to acquire and analyze the necessary data to provide a better understanding of the functioning of the economy
To improve coordination, it is necessary to spread reliable economic information to indicate the future course of the government's economic intentions and activities
The PDP 2023-2028 is a plan for deep economic and social transformation to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction by steering the economy back on a high-growth path. This growth must be inclusive, building an environment that provides equal opportunities to all Filipinos, and equipping them with skills to participate fully in an innovative and globally competitive economy.
Planning mechanism - planning involves a centralized authority making decisions about the allocation of resources across various sectors and within organizations based on an economic plan.