Religion - refers to a person's adherence to a set of beliefs of teachings about the deepest and most elusive of life's mysteries.
Polytheism - The belief in more than one god
Monotheism -the belief in one God
Religion provides people a sense of purpose
KarlMarx -A religion is the opium of the people.
Emile Durkheim -A social institution that involves a unified system of beliefs and practices that recognizes the scared
MaxWebber -Religion as an important factor in the rise of capitalism
BeliefSystem -Faith based on a series of beliefs, but not formalized into a religion
Animism - The oldest type of belief system in the world
Animism -belief that everything has a spirit
Types of religious organization:
Denomination -Less formal than a church; gain members by recruiting and converting members
Sects -Tend to differ and often reject a larger religion's belief, oppose religion pluralism and focus on the promotion of strict religious doctrines
Church - Most recognized form of religious organization; defined as a large formalized organization
Cults -Small religious organization whose doctrines are outside mainstream religious traditions, usually small and localized communities
Christianity -Worlds biggest religion with about2.2 billion followers
Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus
theeternallaw -what is the meaning of santana dharma?
Hinduism -Referred to as Santana Dharma
Hinduism -Worlds third most popular religion, with around 750 million followers
Hinduism believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman
Samsara -means going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths (reincarnation)
Hindus believe that existence of this cycle governed by Karma
Hinduism -Religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more about what you do, than what you believe
Hinduism -oldest existing religion, dating to prehistoric time
Buddhism -Began in northeastern India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama
A key concept of Buddhism is Nirvana
Enlightenment -What is the meaning of Nirvana?
Buddhism -A religion about suffering and the need to get rid of it
Islam -second most popular religion in the world with over a thousand million followers
Those who follow islam are called Muslims
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the prophet Muhammad
Muslims believe that that there is only one God called Allah
Institutionalized Religion -It is formed by a sect, meaning it is not limitless and it is closed. It is also known as "organized religion," which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established.
The1987PhilippineConstitution -guarantees the separation of the Church and State in the Philippines.
Article2Section6 of the 1987 Constitution -the law clearly states that the State shall ensure the inviolable"separation of Church and States."
SocialStratification -A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy
Social Stratification -is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences