Female newborn genitals have been exposed to many hormones in the uterus. Makes the outside of the vagina ("labia majora" and the "clitoris") a little swollen and prominent. Vaginal discharge (white, pink) is normal to 1month.
Skin rashes and infections in newborn's genitalia
It occurs when urine or stool in the diaper irritates the baby's skin, making it tender and red. Candida diaper rash usually shows up around the genitals and buttocks. It's usually very red, with small red spots close to the large patches.
Examination of female children: Limited to inspecting of the external genitalia. Internal examination is not until puberty. supine in frog position for examination.
Female Adolescent Exam: Privacy is must, assess menstrual history, Pap smears when sexually active.
Adult Female Reproductive : Assessment ; history of reproductive cancers, sexual history, obstetric history, menopause symptoms.
Reproductive health issues for women: Retroversion and retroflexion of the uterus (cause birth trauma/tumours). Pelvic inflammatory Disease and sexually transmitted infection (STD/STI)
STI indicated by pain or a burning sensation during urination, the need to pee more frequently, or the presence of blood in the urine. Abnormal vaginal discharge. The look and consistency of vaginal discharge changes continually through a woman's cycle or even in the absence of a cycle.
Breast Assessment: Both genders
Pain/tenderness, Swelling, Lumps or masses, Nipple dimpling, discharge and changes In nipples.
Assessing for Pregnancy
HCG in Urine, Breast changes, Amenorrhea, Ultrasound, Morning sickness, Skin pigmentation changes and Bladder irritability
Primary Assessment: Initial Contact when pregnant
Obtaining history, Physical assessment, Learning
Abdominal Exam: Women
Preparation, Inspection (Skin changes, abdominal shape) and Palpation.
Lie AttitudeDenominator
Assessment of Labour
Stages of Labour = 1. Active 3/4cm - fully dilated (10cm). 2. Full expulsion of foetus. 3. Expulsion of placenta and membranes. 4. Immediate after 3rd stage
Assessing Older female adult
Menopause symptoms
Mood swings, Sudden tears, fatigue, sleep disorders, weight gain, depression, breast pain etc.
Hypospadias - abnormal opening of the urethra into the bladder. A condition in which the opening of the penis is on the underside rather than the tip.
Epispadias - the testes are located outside the scrotum.
Undescended Testicle - either one or both testicles are missing from the scrotum and are situated in the groin or inside the lower abdomen.
Acute Testicular Torsion - occurs when a testicle rotates, twisting the spermatic cord that brings blood to the scrotum. The reduced blood flow causes sudden and often severe pain and swelling.
Enlarged Prostate assessment - Assess male urinary changes, difficulty starting urinary stream/hesitancy, 'weak' stream and incomplete bladder emptying.