Cards (9)

  • Forces and stresses

    All materials, structures and products have to withstand various stresses as forces are applied
    These forces include:
    • Tension
    • Compression
    • Torsion
    • Bending
    • Shear
  • Static and dynamic loads

    A static load does not move and will exert far less stress than a dynamic load
  • Force = Mass X Acceleration

    Designers have to consider the speed behind the force as well as the type of force
  • Tension
    a force that is pulling objects apart
  • Compression
    a force that is trying to push things together or squash them
  • Torsion
    Twisting an object
  • Bending
    Stiffness is the ability of a material to resist being bent out of shape, Some products and materials are designed to have a certain degree of stiffness to perform their function
  • Shear
    A shear force occurs when opposite forces act on an object in a direction perpendicular to its length
  • Defining Forces
    A) tension
    B) compression
    C) torsion
    D) bending
    E) shear