Cards (4)

  • myofibrils overview
    • located in the sarcoplasm
    • 2 types of protein filaments=myosin and actin
    • myosin and actin make up a sarcomere
  • sarcomere
    section of myofibril between 2 Z lines
    • H band=only myosin
    • I band= only actin
    • M band= attachment for myosin
    • A band= areas where only myosin and areas where myosin and actin overlap
    • Z line=attachment for actin
  • thick filaments
    • made up of myosin molecules
    • fibrous protein molecules with a globular head
    • fibrous part anchors molecules into thick filament
    • in filament-myosin molecules lie next to eachother(globular head facing away from M line)
  • thin filaments
    • made up of actin molecules
    • globular protein molecules
    • 2 actin chaisn twist to form 1 thin actin filament
    • tropomyosin twisted around the 2 chains
    • troponin attached to chain at regular intervals