Marxism - Working class are victims of corporate crimes - Health and safety
Left Realism - Working class fear of crime.
Subtarrian values lead to young offenders.
Males / Gender
Men are 2x likely to be victims of violent crime — Masculinity
Patriarchy Control (Heidenson)
Women in domestic violence.
Ethinic Minority
Under reported - Institutional racism
They aren’t taken care of
Official statistics - Lack validity and the issue of the dark figure.
British crime survey - structured interviews.
Positivist Victimology
Social problems and issues can be discovered in some way to improve through the use of scientific methods.
Based on exploration of the victim as somehow different to other people and that in some way they are different to others
Putting themselves at more risk.
Identifying people who have characteristics that predispose them to becoming victims.
Patterns can be established and therefore prevention strategies implemented.
Von Henting - Victims put themselves into various typologies, victims guilty for allowing or encouraging others to make them a victim.
Positivists Victimology
Criticisms - Assuming that the identity of the victim is known and there is law i place to prevent that particular from harm
Criticism: They concentrate too heavily on crimes that involve violence or on property crime
Critical Victimology
Challenge existing social order to see changes in society to make it more fair and just.
Marxism and Feminism - argue victims are constructed in a way that reinforces and justifies structural inequalities.
Argues that the state looks after its own interests and uses its power to apply the label of victim in a way in which deflects from the real inequalities in society.
Tombs and Whyte - the victim is blamed for the crime that is committed against them. For example in rape cases usually the behaviour of the rape victim who is scrutinised.
Critical Victimology
Those who are victims of health and safety violations at work are often labelled ‘accident prone’ .
This process plays an ‘ideological function’ and sends clear message to victims who are often already marginalised and powerless - they are unable to seek or gain justice for the crime that had been committed against them.
Criticism: Ignoring the fact that not al crimes are committed against the powerless
Criticism: Ignores the fact that people behave in a less responsible way, they are partly responsible
Primary Victimisation
Which refers to the victim who directly experiences the crime
Secondary Victimisation
Refers to the negative experiences which people have when going through the process of reporting the crime for example, in rape.