Nobility's size increased, but not significantly. Henry sometimes bestowed a property on nobles to enable them to exert royal authority in particular areas. Nobility also began to be treated like common criminals in crimes they committed.
Gentry's size also increased due to increased use of JP's and other members use in local administration.
Little change in the living standard of commoners in first half of reign. Later, a rise in inflation did lead to a drop in real incomes. Governments were fearful of such people as they could cause a significant full scale revolt
Creating a Unitary state:
Wales - Before 1536 it was a separate territory from England. Laws in Wales act of 1536 brought wales under the same legal framework as England and gave Welsh shires representation in the House of Commons
English Palatinates - Three English counties were under separate jurisdictions from the rest of the kingdom. The Act of ResumingLiberties to the Crown of 1536 reduced their levels of independence, but did not destroy it
The Council of the North was re-established as a permanent body with professional staff. This was due to the North posing many problems like the huge support for the pilgrimage of Grace in 1536
Resistance to the Amicable Grant - Wolsey's taxation led to widespread opposition, especially in Suffolk.
Lincolnshire Rising and Pilgrimage of Grace- single largest rebellion in tudor history, 40000 rebels. Caused by H8's religious changes to monasteries and doctrine. Also economic greavances due to taxations.