Cards (23)

  • Mission
    Communicates the organization's reason for being, and how it aims to serve its key stakeholders
  • Vision
    A future-oriented declaration of the organization's purpose and aspirations
  • Values
    Beliefs of an individual or group, and in this case the organization, in which they are emotionally invested
  • The Starbucks mission statement communicates 6 key points
  • The 6 key points of the Starbucks mission statement
    • Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity
    • Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business
    • Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee
    • Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time
    • Contribute positively to our communities and our environment
    • Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success
  • Values statement
    Reaffirms or states outright values that might not be evident in the mission or vision statements
  • Roles played by mission and vision
    • Communicate the purpose of the organization to stakeholders
    • Inform strategy development
    • Develop the measurable goals and objectives by which to gauge the success of the organization's strategy
  • Mission, Vision, and "Organizing"

    Developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives
  • Mission, Vision, and "Leading"

    Influencing others toward the attainment of organizational objectives
  • Eight Principles of Visionary Leadership
    • The visionary leader must do on-site observation leading to personal perception of changes in societal values from an outsider's point of view
    • Even though there is resistance, never give up; squeeze the resistance between outside-in (i.e., customer or society-led) pressure in combination with top-down inside instruction
    • Revolution is begun with symbolic disruption of the old or traditional system through top-down efforts to create chaos within the organization
    • The direction of revolution is illustrated by a symbolically visible image and the visionary leader's symbolic behavior
    • Quickly establishing new physical, organizational, and behavioral systems is essential for successful revolution
    • Real change leaders are necessary to enable revolution
    • Create an innovative system to provide feedback from results
    • Create a daily operation system, including a new work structure, new approach to human capabilities and improvement activities
  • Importance of Stakeholder Influence
    • Little/No Importance
    • Moderate Importance
    • Significant Importance
  • Stakeholder Influence
    • Little/No Influence
    • Moderate Influence
    • Significant Influence
  • Mission and Vision- Development Process
  • Best mission statements have given attention to 6 areas

    • What "want-satisfying" service or commodity do we produce and work constantly to improve?
    • How do we increase the wealth or quality of life or society?
    • How do we provide opportunities for the productive employment of people?
    • How are we creating a high-quality and meaningful work experience for employees?
    • How do we live up to the obligation to provide fair and just wages?
    • How do we fulfill the obligation to provide a fair and just return on capital?
  • Communications = Leading
    Managers must evaluate both the need and the necessary tactics for persuasively communicating a strategy in four different directions: upward, downward, across, and outward
  • Whole Brain Emulation is a theoretical process of modelling an entire human brain on a computer in order to create an emulation of the mental state and turn it into a digital form
  • Monitoring = Controlling
    Identify key milestones that are implied or explicit in the mission and vision
  • BHAG
    Big Hairy Audacious Goal
  • The automatic concept of communication do not have the intention to replace humans, rather to avoid the repetitive flow of communication. This way, humans are given the chance to focus on more valuable tasks.
  • Five guiding criteria for good BHAGs
    • Are set with understanding, not bravado
    • Fit squarely in the three circles of (a) what you are deeply passionate about (including your core values and purpose), (b) what drives your economic logic, and (c) what differentiates you (what you can be the best in the world at)
    • Have a long time frame-10 to 30 years
    • Are clear, compelling, and easy to grasp
    • Directly reflect your core values and core purpose
  • Your Mission and Vision (Guidelines)
    Schedule - develop some long-term goal (or goals), then intermediate-term goals, and so on
  • The Five-Step Plan for developing your personal mission and vision
    • Identify Past Successes
    • Identify Core Values
    • Identify Contributions
    • Identify Goals
    • Write Mission and Vision Statements
  • Final thoughts: 'A personal mission and vision statement is, of course, personal. But if you want to see whether you have been honest in developing your personal mission and vision statement, we suggest sharing the results of this process with one or more people who are close to you. Ask for their feedback. Finally, remember that mission and vision statements are not meant to be written once and blasted into stone. You should set aside some time annually to review your career, job, goals, and mission and vision statements-and make adjustments as necessary.'