Neurology pediatric T_T

Cards (41)

  • patient presented with hx of seizure then reoccurred again currently stable , what is the next step to order?
  • Rolandic seizure
    Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal Spikes
    • no Neuroglial deficit
    • Occurs at night or at time of waking up
    • resolve spontaneously at age of 13 years old
    • EEG --> Centrotemporal Biphasic Sharp waves
    • Simple partial seizure involving face and oropharynx --> Facial drop , dropping of mouth and drooling of saliva + Aphasia
    • no need for treatment
  • Absence seizure :
    start suddenly and end suddenly
    lasts < 30 seconds
    No Post ictal
  • Complex Parietal
    Preceded by warning
    post ictal phase
    lasts > 30 seconds
    followed by loss of consciousness
  • EEG of absence seizure
    3-4 Hx spikes and slow wave complex
  • Febrile seizure :
    6 months - 6 years old
    no underlying CNS lesion
    treatment --> paracetamol
  • Basal skill fracture :
    Anterior --> Raccoon's eyes , halo sign , partial hearing loss or smell , restricted eye movement
    Middle --> Carotid artery injury , hearing loss , loss of balance , Battle sign ( bruise behind the ear )
    Posterior --> Spinal cord injury , vertebral artery injury and lower cranial nerve injury
  • Risk of future febrile seizures
    strong Fmx
    another seizure within the first 24 hours
    Febrile seizure at low grade fever 38
    Hyponatremia or hypocalcemia at time of presentation
  • Simple Vs complex Febrile Seizure
    Simple :
    lasts < 15 min
    once per 24 hour
    > 15 min
    More than once within 24 hours
  • Night terror :
    agitation and screaming --> Yes
    Sleeping wave --> slow
    Fmx --> yes
    recalling the events --> no
    Incidence --> Common 10%
  • Night walking
    agitation and screaming --> no
    Sleeping wave --> slow
    Fmx --> yes
    recalling the events --> no
    Incidence --> Common 5%
  • Nightmares :
    agitation and screaming --> Yes
    Sleeping wave --> repetitive
    Fmx --> yes
    recalling the events --> Yes
    Incidence --> Common
  • sudden onset of squint , next step is --> Brain CT
    • Kernicterus --> choreoathetosis
    • Neonatal Stroke --> Double hemiplegia
    • Meningomyeloceles --> Paraplegia
    • Preterm Babies --> Diplegia
  • Decrease risk of Brain damage and CP in Low apgar score ?
  • Risk factors for CP:
    Antenatal :
    • Prematurity and low birth weight
    • Intrauterine infection
    • multiple gestation
    • Pregnancy complications
    Perinatal :
    • birth asphyxia
    Post natal :
    • trauma
    • meningitis
  • Prevention of CP during pregnancy:
  • Diplegia --> 4 limbs --> lower more than upper
    monoplegia --> one limb
    Quadriplegia --> 4 limbs
    Double hemiplegia --> 4 limbs --> upper more than lower
  • Most common cause of CP:
  • Commonest risk factor of CP:
  • Rett's syndrome :
    Abnormal head growth
    weird hand movement --? wringing
    Repetitive language skills
    Lost of interest
  • Freidreich Ataxia:
    foot deformity
    iron accumulation in mitochondria
  • most common CNS complication after Chicken pox:
    without neck stiffness --> acute cerebral ataxia
    with neck stiffness --> Meningoencephalitis
  • Infantile spasm
    Myoclonic sudden jerky movement
    respond to Steroids
    EEG --> hyperthymia
    treatment --> Carbamazepine
  • Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis
    2 out of 7
    • 6 or more cafe latu spots --> 5 mm in young children and 15 mm in older children
    • Axillary freckles more than 2
    • Optic nerve Glioma
    • Iris Hamartomas --> 2 or more
    • positive gene NF1
  • Family hx of NF1 + one of the criteria confirms diagnosis
  • Cafe latu + Fmx --> reassurance
    Multiple Cafe Latu ---> Genetic testing
    CONIFRMED Positive Fmx and NF1 --> genetic counseling
  • Neurofibromatosis type 1 located ?
    Chromosome 17q
  • Tuberous sclerosis
    M--> Macules --> cafe latu spots
    R --> Rhabdomyoma
    S --> Shagren batch
    A --> adenoma Sebacium
    F--> fibroma in nail bed
    D--> dominant
    A--> Ash lead Macules
    R--> renal cyst
  • Tuberous sclerosis
    2 genes --> chromosome 9 and 16
  • Fragile X syndrome
    Large forehead
    long face
    large ears and jaws
    Mental retardation --> most common cause of inhered mental retardation
    Macro orchidism
    same as Marfan syndrome
  • Fatigued neonates +not moving eyes from light ?
    Infantile botulism
  • Initial test in Duchene muscular dystrophy "
    CK levels
  • Dunchene Muscular dystrophy
    • more in males
    • x linked disease --> 50% females will be carriers / 50% males will be affected
    • proximal muscle weakness ( progressive ) + positive Gower sign
    • Cardiopathy
  • Myotonic dystrophy
    Autosomal Dominant
    heart block
    Distal muscle weakness
  • Anterior horn cells
    sensory changes --> no
    cranial nerves --> affected
    Muscles --> proximal and distal parts equally
    day and night --> no
  • repetitive eye movement + otherwise healthy between attacks
  • Repetitive eye movement +Multiple voice tics
    Tourette syndrome
  • when should examine red eye reflex
    at 6 weeks
  • 6 weeks old + absent red reflex what is the appropriate management ?
    Examination under anesthesia