Waterproof and not waterproof/can absorbwater or cannot absorb water
Degree of transparency to light
Allows most light, some light or no light to pass through
Rough or smooth
Breakable or not breakable
Magnetic or non-magnetic
Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductor or electrical insulator
Heat conductivity
Good conductor of heat and poor conductor of heat
Can be stretched or compressed and can return to its original shape or length when the force is removed
Different organisms have different life cycles
Some life cycles take a longer period of time than others to complete one cycle
Different amounts of time are taken for an organism to move from one stage to another
Life cycle of a flowering plant
Seed to seedling to adult plant (which means the plant has flowers and fruits)
Life cycles of different animals
Egg to young to adult (e.g mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, frog)
Egg to nymph to adult (e.g grasshopper, cockroach)
Egg to larva to pupa to adult (e.g. butterfly, moth, beetle, mosquito)
Anything that has mass and occupies space
States of matter
The amount of matter or substance something has. Mass can be measured using a beam balance.
Mass is not weight. Mass is not a force but weight is a force. Weight is the amount of gravitational force acting on an object.
The space occupied by an object. Volume can be measured by using a measuring cylinder or displacement can and finding the volume of water displaced when the object is placed in water. It can also be measured by calculating the volume of the object using formula if the object has a regular shape.
Have definite shape and definite volume
Have no definite shape but have definite volume
Have no definite shape and no definite volume
Changes of state
1. Gaining heat: Solid to liquid (melting), Liquid to gas (boiling, evaporation)
2. Losing heat: Gas to liquid (condensation), Liquid to solid (freezing)
Family members share similarities in their characteristics or traits
Determine the characteristics or traits that are passed on from parents to their young
Male parts of a flower
Anther, filament
Female parts of a flower
Stigma, style, ovary, ovule
Pollen grain
Contains the male reproductive cell
Contains the female reproductive cell or the egg cell
Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flowers of the same kind
Characteristics of insect pollinated flowers
Bright, attractive, have nectar, sticky stigma, flower parts hidden, pollen grains heavy and rough
Characteristics of wind pollinated flowers
Not bright, no need nectar, feathery stigma, flower parts hanging out of the flower, pollen grains light and smaller
Fusion of the male reproductive cell in the pollen grain and the female reproductive cell in the ovules
Seed dispersal
Fruit and seeds get dispersed by water, wind, animals and splitting of fruit/explosiveaction
Characteristics of fruits dispersed by different methods
Wind: Small, light, have wing-like structures or fine hairs or light, feathery structures
Water: Waterproof, have fibrous husk and have protective covering
Animals: Juicy and fleshy, have hooks, bristles or stiff, sticky hairs
Splitting/explosive action: Dry up unevenly and split open
Water enters the seed, the seed coat breaks, the root grows out first, then the shoot grows out
Non-flowering plants like ferns reproduce from spores
Male and female reproductive organs and cells in humans