Can be used as the mass communication media in promoting and campaigning practical and important issues, such as social change
Social change
The alteration of the social order of a society which may include changes in social institutions, social behaviors or social relations
Analyze how target or intended users and audiences are expected to respond to the proposed ICT Project for Social Change
1. On the basis of content
2. Value
3. User experience
Concept paper
A one- to two-page written document describing an idea for a project
Good project/campaign
Uses of a concept paper
To develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas
To serve as the foundation of a full proposal
To interest potential funders
To determine whether a project idea is fundable
Five elements of a concept paper
Project Description
Contact Information
Sample concept paper
Activity 8
ICT Project for Social Change
A small part of a scheme of an organization with a common interest. The main purpose is to offer a facility for easy dissemination of information, a platform for volunteers and the leaders of the organization
Designing and Copywriting for ICT Projects
1. Quality check and error checking
2. Copywriting to produce error-free outputs
Tips and pointers for copywriting
Split paragraphs into shorter and fewer sentences
Split complex sentences into simpler ones
Highlight keywords
Use subheadings to identify subsections
ICT Project Creation Process
1. Planning Phase
2. Analysis and Requirement Definition Phase
3. Design Phase
4. Testing Phase
5. Release and Promotion Phase
6. Maintenance Phase
Factual information gathered from users of the ICT application, such as age, gender, income, religion, and profession. Used to learn the characteristics of the target audience and design the application effectively.
Market research or statistics classifying population groups according to psychological variables, such as activities, interests, and opinions (AIO variables), and values and lifestyles (VALS)
Determining psychographics
Observe the behavior of the target community, such as the topics they discuss and the images or posts they share