Pushes food into the esophagus so it is not breathed in
Equalizes pressure in the ears and drains fluid from the ears
Pathophysiology of sore throat
Inflammation of the throat, usually caused by viral/bacteria infection, irritants or allergens
Results in pain and a sensation of scratchiness of the throat as well as difficulty swallowing
Symptoms of sore throat
Painful throat esp when swallowing
Dry scratchy throat, hoarse voice
Redness in the back of the mouth
Bad breath
Mild cough
Swollen neck glands
Antiseptic that increases bacterial cell permeability and reduces enzymatic activity, thus causing celldeath
Side effects: relatively safe, no significant side effect, maybe mouth discomfort
Counselling points for dequalinium
Dissolve slowly in mouth, do not chew
Do not take more than 8 lozenges in a day
If throat is better, you may stop the medication
NSAID that inhibits production of proinflammatory cytokines to reduce local pain and inflammation, also has local anaesthetic activity
Multiple dosage forms: lozenges, solution for gargle, throat spray
Lozenges: 1 lozenge every 1 to 2 hrs, max 12 lozenges daily, do not excess 7 consecutive days of therapy
Throat spray: 2 to 4 sprays of 0.3 percent solution OR 4 to 8 sprays of 0.15 percent solution every 1.5 to 3 hrs until symptoms resolve
Counselling points for benzydamine lozenges
Dissolve slowly in the mouth, do not chew
Do not take more than 12 lozenges in a day
Do not exceed 7 consecutive days of therapy
If throat is better, you may stop the medication
If you experience any allergy reaction like rash or swelling please stop the medication and see the doctor immediately
Counselling points for benzydamine throat spray
Spray directly onto sore/inflamed area and swallow gently
If you experience any allergy reaction like rash or swelling please stop the medication and see the doctor immediately
Serratiopeptidase MOA
Proteolyticenzyme with high enzyme activities and anti inflammatory properties
Side effects: relatively safe, mainly GI side effects like diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting
Counselling points for serratiopeptidase
Take withaglassofwater,swallowwithoutchewing
Natural enzyme derived from egg white with anti inflammatory and mucolytic properties to reduce inflammation in sore throats and dissolve phlegm in chesty cough
Forensic class: OTC
Multiple dosage forms: talet, syrup, lozenges
Side effects: relatively safe, mainly GI side effects like diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting
Counselling points for lysozyme
Take with a glass of water, take with or without food
Non-pharmacological advice
Wash hands thoroughly and frequently, esp after using toilet, before eating, after sneezing/coughing
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if hand washing is not possible
Avoid sharing food, drinking glasses or utensils esp with someone with sore throat
Regularlyclean telephones, TV remotes and computer keyboards with sanitisingcleanser