fundamentals of nursing

Cards (8)

  • theoretical foundations of nursing
    • theory - is a set of concepts that explains a phenomenon
    • paradigm - pattern
  • 4 metaparadigms of nursing
    • person
    • health
    • environment
    • nursing
  • concept of man
    • man is a bio-psychosocial and spiritual being, in constant contact with the environment
    • man is an open system in constant interaction with a changing environment
    • man is a unified whole composed of parts, which are interdependent and interrelated
  • concept of man
    • man is composed of parts, which are greater than and different from the sum of all his parts.
    - simply saying, you cannot remove one system from a man
  • concept of man
    • man is composed of subsystems and suprasystems
    -subsystem (within): biological, psychological, emotional
    -suprasystems (outside): family, community, population
  • concepts of nursing
    • florence nightingale - act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery
  • concepts of nursing
    • sister callista roy - theoretical system of knowledge that prescribe a process of analysis and action related to the care of the ill person
  • concept of nursing
    • martha rogers - nursing is a humanistic science dedicated to the concern with maintaining and promoting health and preventing illness, caring for, and rehabilitating the sick and disabled
    levels of prevention
    • primary - health promotion and disease prevention
    • secondary - treatment, curative
    • tertiary - rehabilitation