Tenderness, fullness, enlargement, darkening of areola and nipples
Cause: Estrogen stimulates growth of the breast duct cells and generates the secretion of Prolactin. Prolactin stimulates breast enlargement and milk production
Often called "Morning Sickness" but it can occur any time of day or night, usually starts around 5 weeks of pregnancy and is at its worst at about 9 weeks
Cause: increase of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Progesterone
Observe Overall Health, Emotional State, Nutritional Status, Neuromuscular Coordination as the woman walks into the room and climbs on the examination table
Blood Pressure - increase BP suggests Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). Range of 90-130/60-89mmHg falls during second trimester, Pre-pregnant level first and third trimesters
Cardiac Rate
Respiratory Rate - sudden drop of CR and RR suggest bleeding
Calculate the BMI with standard tables, using 19 to 25 as normal for the pregnant state
First Trimester - weight gain is 2-4 lbs
Second Trimester - weight gain is 0.4kg/1lb per week
Third Trimester - weight gain is 0.4kg/1lb per week
Recommended weight gain throughout the entire pregnancy is 11.2 kgs to 16 kgs
Sudden increase in weight of about 25 - 40 kgs suggests fluid retention or Polyhydramnios. Decrease in weight suggest illness and should be carefully evaluated during the prenatal visit