childrens inequalities

Cards (7)

  • nationality
    -children of different nationalities likely to experience different childhoods & life chances
    -90% of world's low birth-weight babies born in developing countries
  • gender - Hillman
    -boys more likely to be allowed to:
    > cross/cycle on roads
    > use buses
    > go out after dark unaccompanied
  • gender - Bonke
    -girls do more domestic labour > especially in lone parent families
    -5x more housework than boys
  • ethnicity - Brannen study
    -15-16 year olds
    -found Asian parents more likely than others to be strict towards daughters
  • ethnicity - Bhatti
    -family honour could be restriction
  • most important class inequalities between children
    -poor mothers more likely have low birth-weight babies > delayed physical & intellectual development
    -children of unskilled manual workers over 3x more likely to suffer from hyperactivity & 4x more likely to experience conduct disorders
    -children born into poor families more likely:
    > to die in infancy/childhood
    > suffer longstanding illnesses
    > be shorter in height
    > fall behind in school
    > be placed on child protection register
  • criticism of march of progress
    -cannot speak of 'children' in general
    -as they're not equal