variation: differences between individuals. it can be interspecific (between different species) or intraspecific variation (between individuals of the same species)
variation exists within a speciespopulation
some of this variation is due to random mutations which introduce new alleles into a population
random mutations means that some individuals within the population possess different phenotypes due to genetic variation in the alleles they possess
environmental factors affect the chance of survival of an organism; they are said to act as a selection pressure
predation, disease and competition are all examples of selection pressures, which make it difficult for all individuals in a population to survive
selection pressures increase the chance of individuals with a specific phenotype surviving and reproducing over others
the advantageous alleles that code for the favourable phenotype will be passed on to offspring
when selection pressures act over several generations of a species, they have an effect on the frequency of alleles in a population through naturalselection
natural selection: process by which individuals with a favourable phenotype are more likely to survive and pass on their alleles to their offspring so that the advantageous alleles increase in frequency over time and generations
individuals that do not possess the advantageous alleles will most likely not survive long enough to reproduce, therefore reducing competition for resources
this will decrease the frequency of these non-advantageous alleles overtime in a population
these changes in allele frequency will ultimately lead to evolution within the population
the theory of evolution by natural selection was first suggested by charlesdarwin
as evidence mounted in favour of charlesdarwins natural selection theory, it became increasingly accepted by scientists
random mutation
mutation becomes an advantageous allele for the environment
individuals with this mutation are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on advantageous allele to offspring
individuals without mutation more likely to not survive and reproduce
over time there is a gradual increase in proportion to individuals with advantageous allele compared to the ones without