warming mechanisms

Cards (5)

  • vasoconstriction of blood vessels that supply skin capillaries
    • smaller amount of blood flowing through skin capillaries so reduced heat loss via radiation
    • muscles in arterioles walls constrict
    • instead blood is diverted through shunt vessels deeper in skin
    • less heat lost via radiation to the environment
  • boosting metabolic rate
    • metabolic reactions mainly exothermic- provides warmth
    • when cold- thyroxine is produce- increased basal metabolic rate= increase heat
    • adrenaline also increases metabolic rate and releases more heat
  • shivering
    • shivering is a reflex due to a decrease in core body temperature
    • muscles are effectors- contracting regularly and rapidly
    • respiration and metabollic processes are required for these contractions which releases energy as a by product=heat
  • erection of hairs(heat retention)
    • erector pili muscles contract, hairs stand up
    • forms an insulating layer over the surface of skin as hairs trap air
    • stops heat loss via radiation
  • less sweating(heat retention)
    • reduces heat loss via evaporation