Urinalysis 1

Cards (69)

  • Who wrote a book on uroscopy in 5th BCE?
  • When did physicians concentrated their efforts very intensively on the art of uroscopy, receiving instruction in urine examination as part of their training?
    Middle ages
  • when did color charts had been developed that described the significance of 20 different colors
    1440 CE
  • Who discovered albuminuria by boiling urine? And when?
    Frederick Dekkers, 1694
  • who wrote a book on “pisse prophets” and when?
    Thomas Bryant, 1627
  • When; invention of the microscope led to the examination of urine sediment
    17th century
  • who developed a methods for quantitating urine sediments and what is this method called?
    Thomas Addis
    Addis count
  • who included urinalysis as part of the doctor’s routine patient examination and when?
    Richard Bright, 1827
  • Urine composition
    95% water
    5% solutes
  • Primary organic component of urine
  • Primary inorganic component of urine
  • Hormones found in the urine and its sources;
    Aldosterone - adrenal cortex
    Antidiuretic Hormone - posterior pituitary gland
    Erythropoietin - kidney
  • Note: The procedure for collection should be explained properly to the patient since the type of urine collection and the method of collection depends on the type of test ordered by the physician.
  • The urine analysis also helps in (1)_, (2)_ of urinary tract infections, (3)_ progress of treatment in metabolic diseases, and (4)_ of an administered therapy as well as checking if the patients exhibited any therapy-related complications.
    (1) monitoring wellness
    (2) determination and treatment
    (3) detection and monitoring
    (4) determines the effectiveness
  • Disposable containers for urine sample collection should be:
  • what is used for the collection of pediatric specimen?
    Pliable polyethylene bags with adhesive
  • What volume of plastic containers are most commonly used?
    50 ml
  • what is used for collecting urine specimen for bacterial culture?
    sterile plastic containers
  • Urine specimen label should contain:
    patient’s name identification number date and time of collection additional information such as the patient’s age location and the healthcare provider’s name Labels must be attached to the container
  • Note: The information on the requisition form must match the information on the specimen label.
  • the requisition form should contain:
    method of collection or type of specimen
    possible interfering medications
    patient’s clinical information.
  • T/F: The time the specimen is received in the laboratory should be recorded on the form
  • T/F: Specimens in unlabeled containers should be rejected
  • T/F: The specimen should be rejected when labels and requisition forms matched
  • T/F: Specimen should be accepted if it is contaminated with feces or toilet paper.
  • T/F: Specimen should be rejected when the container's exterior is contaminated
  • T/F: Specimens of insufficient quantity should be rejected
  • T/F: Specimens that have been properly transported should be accepted
  • urine specimen should be tested within _
    2 hours
  • what is done when urine testing is delayed?
    addition of chemical preservatives
  • The most routinely used method of preservation is?
  • urine specimen is refrigerated at _°C
  • refrigeration decreases _ and _.
    bacterial growth
  • If the urine is to be cultured, it should be refrigerated during transit and kept refrigerated until cultured up to _ hours.
  • what is done when a specimen must be transported over a long distance and refrigeration is impossible?
    addition of chemical preservatives
  • The ideal preservative should be:
    inhibit urease
    and preserve formed elements in the sediment.
  • what happens to the color of urine when oxidation and reduction of metabolites occur
    modified or darkened
  • Clarity of urine is decreased when?
    bacterial growth and precipitation of amorphous material occur
  • what happens to the odor of urine when bacterial multiplication causing breakdown of urea to ammonia occur
  • What happens to the urine pH when breakdown of urea to ammonia by urease-producing bacteria or loss of CO2 occur