Gender and Crime

Cards (14)

  • The Chivalry thesis
    • Some argue that women are more deviant than they appear and are protected by a ‘chivalry factor’ by police, courts etc.
    • Men have a protective attitudes towards women - police hate to arrest them
    • The CJS are more lenient - so official stats lack validity
  • Evidence for the Chivalry Thesis
    • Police/courts are mainly men - raised to be chivalrous to women
    • Self - report studies show more women do crime - Graham and Bowling
    • Flood-page found that women were less likely to be charged compared to men
  • Evidence against ‘Chivalry thesis’
    Farrington and Morris
    • Study found that women were not sentenced more leniently in comparable cases
    Buckle and Farrington
    • found women were more likely to be prosecuted for shop lifting than men.
    • argues that courts treat women more harshly than men for deviating from their gender roles.
  • Biological Theory
    • Argues that normal females have a disposition that repels them from deviant behaviour and criminal behaviour
    • This theory has little support in sociology, yet links between female crime and hormonal and menstrual factors has been made.
  • Sex Role theory
    • Socialisation - gender roles
    • Girls follow female role model - caring and gentle
    • argued that females generally lack the values that are typically associated with delinquency
  • Social control - Patriarchy
    • Women are controlled by patriarchal society - no opportunity to offend
    • Home - nuclear family, domestic roles, domestic violence and men controlling the finance
    • Public - fear sexual violence and bad reputation - Lees
  • Control Theory
    • Controlled by being offered a deal , ‘class deals’ (material rewards) ‘gender deals’ (material/emotional rewards)
    • Genders deals failed - poor family life / abuses domestic violence.
    • Many turned to drug / alcohol addiction
  • The Liberation Thesis
    • As women are liberated from patriarchy, their crimes will become more frequent and serious.
    • Female offending has increased
    • More females committing crimes such as armed robbery
    • Growth of ‘ladette’ and girl gangs more likely to engage in ‘male crime’
  • Bias Against women
    • Feminists argue that the CJS is biased against women - prosecuting them more
    • argues that courts treat females more harshly than males when hey deviate from gender norms - they are ‘double deviants‘
  • Postmodern, deindustrialised society
    • Expansion of the services sector - clubs and bars - = Sunderland bouncers involved in drugs, duty free, tobacco and violence
    • In this subculture men must use their bodily capital to maintain reputation and employability
    • The signs of masculinity become a commodity in ther own right.
  • Types of masculinity
    • Hegemonic masculinities - Dominant type of masculinity, highly valued.
    • Subordinated Masculinities - Less powerful, low status such as homosexuality.
  • White middle class males
    • Experience school as emasculating
    • Adopt an accommodating masculinity
    • Compensate for this out of school by adopting a more ‘oppositional masculinity’ - engaging in pranks excessive drinking and ‘high spirits’
  • White working class males
    • Less chance of academic success, so denied this route to hegemonic masculinity
    • Construct their masculinity around physical aggression / violence
    • Use violence against those whom they perceive fail to their perception of ‘masculinity’
  • Black Lower class youth
    • Not breadwinners
    • Less likely to gain status via material goods
    • tend to express masculinity in ‘the street’ via violence and crime
    • Using gang membership and violence / property crime to make themselves more masculine