In medieval England, treatment of disease was poor. The key problem was a lack of understanding of the causes of disease. Many people believed that disease was caused by evil spirits or supernatural beings
Supernatural Causes
Beliefs about the causes of disease
Supernatural causes of disease
Punishment from God for people's sins
Evil supernatural beings like demons or witches
Evil spirits living inside someone
Curing disease with supernatural causes
1. Prayer
2. Repentance
3. Exorcisms using chants to remove evil spirits
Many people were tried as witches and executed for being believed to be behind outbreaks of disease
The Church
The Roman Catholic Church, an extremely powerful organisation in medieval Europe that dominated the way people studied and thought about a range of topics, including medicine
The Church encouraged people to believe that disease was a punishment from God
This prevented people from trying to find cures for disease
If disease was a punishment from God, all you could do was pray and repent
The Church made sure that scholars of medicine learned the works of Galen as his ideas fit the Christian belief that God created human bodies and made them to be perfect
The Church stopped anyone from disagreeing with Galen
The Church outlawed dissection
This meant that medieval doctors couldn't discover ideas about human anatomy for themselves - they instead had to learn Galen's incorrect ideas
Comment and Analysis - The Church had a big Influence on medieval medicine
The Church's influence over medieval medicine meant that there was very little change in ideas about the cause of disease until the Renaissance - the Church and its messages were so influential that people were unable to question them
The idea that the movements of the planets and stars have an effect on the Earth and on people
Used to diagnose disease
Developed in Islamic medicine
Brought to Europe between 1100 and 1300
Using astrology to diagnose disease
1. Doctor owns an almanac with information about where planets and stars are
2. Doctor uses this information to predict how patients' health could be affected
Parts of the body affected by different star signs