Connectionist systems, a computational approach based on a large collection of neural units (artificial neurons) loosely modelling the brain's biological neurons
Forward stimulation is used to reset weights on the "front" neural units, sometimes done in combination with training where the correct result is known
Allows pooling of resources to be aware of potential threats or problems
Builds support and empowers members
Strengthens the work team to advocate issues, provide credibility, attain outcomes, give accurate information, plan activities, support projects, and solve potential problems
Relationships have different meanings to different people, such as with friends, a special someone, colleagues, co-workers, members of an association, and family members
Socialization starts from early childhood and is an unending process where an individual creates a personal identity as they learn norms, behavior, values, and social skills based on their social position
A person is a socialactor who possesses physical, spiritual, and mental faculties which are utilized in dealing with the self, other people, and the surroundings
Students can perform various roles and functions as they relate and interact with others, such as serving as volunteers, being members of youth councils, etc.
Encourages more active student participation and makes learning more fun, interactive and enriching
Emerging technologies like nanotechnology, biotechnology and robotics create challenges with unprecedented risks, advantages and growth compared to traditional technologies
As technology proliferation in classrooms accelerates, schools feel pressure to cope with the fast-changing world, with mobile devices opening up new learning possibilities but also problems
unprecedented vagueness parallel to the risks they bring, advantages, and upcoming growth while traditional technologies possess toxicity which may not be in the case of nanomaterials
As the proliferation of technology in the classroom continues to accelerate, schools that haven't yet implemented some of the latest and greatest devices such as computers in the classroom are starting to really feel the pressure to cope with the fast changing world
Mobile devices can make perfect learning tools and open up unlimited possibilities for educators and students alike, but it's not all daisies and roses
This crisis has exposed the challenge in integrating technology in education, including many inequalities starting with the lack of access to computers and the internet
The COVID-19 pandemic has given us massive insights into how the role of technology can radically shift to reach the learners and how to adapt new normal teaching strategies in these challenging times