an interweaving of neurons from differentlevels/segments of the spinalcord, into final destination nerves that are either motor,sensory or mixed
what are motor neurons ?
they firemuscles
what are sensory nerves ?
they provideinformation to the CNS from the periphery of the body, usually the skin and specialisedorgans
what is Hilton’s Law?
a nerve which supplies a muscle also supplies the joint the muscleactsacross
how does every nerve start?
everynerve at every level of the spinal cord starts out the same way how every the limbs have grown out from the trunk with several levers of nerves in them, where the neurons from neighbouringsegments mix together and group into proper nerves
where doe the plexus start ?
at the ventral ramus
what is the characteristic of every nerve of the body ?
everynerve in the body is paired - there is a left and right nerve
what is the lumbar and sacral plexus joined by ?
the lumbosacral trunk (L4 and L5)
Where does the full plexus interweave from ?
L1 to S5
what does the lumbosacral trunk cross?
the sacral Ala where it adds the L4 and L5 segments to the sacral plexus
What nerve is the start of the lower limb nerves ?
sciatic nerve
what is the pathway of sciatic nerve ?
exits pelvis via the greatersciaticforamen beneath Piriformis
travels between the lateral rotators and glut max between the ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter
continues between the hamstrings and adductor Magnus
what is this nerve ?
sciatic nerve
what are the two branches of the sciatic nerve?
common fibular nerve
tibial nerve
what is this tibial and common fibular nerve bound by?
bound by fascia
where do the tibial and common fibular nerve seperate ?