Cards (5)

  • how does it view society? 

    -argues patriarchy exists in all parts of society
    -social domination of women by men
    -women oppressed in the family & personal relationships
  • how should gender equality be achieved?
    -want revolutionary change
    -consciousness raising > women only groups sharing experiences
    -separatism , all women households
    -political lesbianism
  • strengths
    -revealed how intimate relationships can have domination
    -emphasises difference between men & women
    -due to radical feminism activists, rape and domestic violence now considered crimes in most western countries
  • criticisms
    -'we don't care' attitude for women
    -paints men in a bad light as the enemy (marxist)
    -views gender as most important axis of oppression
    -sees women as homogenous group collectively oppressed by men (difference)
  • germain greer