The distance of the Earth to the most remote normal galaxy is calculated to be: 9x10^25
How many Uranus Moon are named after William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope characters?: 27
What is the largest organ of the human body?: Skin
The Reaumur scale, also known as the “sexagesimal division” is used to measure: Temperature
It states that any molecule or atom activated by light absorbs only one quantum of light which causes the activation which is also known as the 2nd law of photochemistry. Eistein'sLawofEquivalence
It is the activity where the biggest release of dopamine occurs. Orgasm
Which amino acid is not UV-active? - Glycine
The chemical formula for angelic acid. - C5H8O2
According to RA 8293, the term of the patent shall be how many years from the filing date of application? - 20
A remedy sometimes awarded by the court that stops some action from being taken. It can be used to stop another party from doing something against the terms of the contract. This will be at the court’s discretion and a judge may refuse to give one and award damages instead.. - Injunction
Dodecane is?
(1) Is it soluble in water?
(2) Is it soluble in hexane?
(3) Is it combustible?
(4) Is it solid, liquid or gas at room temperature and atmospheric conditions?
(5) Is it denser than water? - No, Yes, Yes, Liquid, Less Dense
In the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, it is defined as the layer of water-bearing rock located underground that transmits water in sufficient quantity to supply pumping wells or natural springs. - Aquifer
Which of the following outer planets rotates clockwise (retrograde rotation)? - Uranus
Which of the following will be useful to determine the aromaticity of a compound? - 4n+2
Predominant organic acid found in apples - malic acid
How many carbon atoms are there in one molecule of “buckyball”? - 60
Ozonolysis of alkenes gives a/an - aldehyde
The alloy of copper and zinc is known as? - brass
The slopes of the phase boundaries in a PT diagram are best described by? - Clapeyron equation
The property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called as? - ductility
A decrease in the rate of a chemical reaction upon replacement of one atom in a reactant by a heavier isotope, facilitates the identification of bond-breaking events in the rate-determining step. - Kinetic isotope effect
What heavy metal is the cause of the “itai-itai” disease? - Cadmium
A global treaty that aims to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants - Stockholm Convention
Glucose is the only carbohydrate compound that the brain can use for energy. Which pathway is mobilized to supply the needs of the brain during starvation? - gluconeogenesis
Which amino acid has the highest percentage of nitrogen? - Arginine
Which polymer occurs naturally? - starchandcellulose
A bond that is formed from the joining of amine and carboxylic groups of amino acid is called? - Peptide bond
What is the chemical name of muriatic acid? - Hydrochloric acid
What alcoholic beverage is distilled from wine or fruit juice? - Brandy
Who coined the term “radioactivity”? - Marie Curie
Component of chili peppers responsible for the burning sensation - Capsaicin
What type of colloid is mayonnaise? - Emulsion
The ejection of electrons from a metal surface by a beam of light. The energy of electrons depends upon the wavelength of the light. - Photoelectric effect
What planet is the densest in the Solar System? - Earth
The distance of Earth to the newest known galaxy (Andromeda Galaxy) - 2 x 10^22 m
The distance from Earth to the most remote known quasar - 1.4 x 10^26 m
The distance from Earth to the nearest star apart from sun (Proxima Centauri) - 4 x 10^16 m
Derived from greek word for claw - Chelate
An ion or a molecule that forms a covalent bond with a cation or a neutral metal atom by donating a pair of electrons, which are then shared by the two - Ligand