stimulus and response ✅

Cards (16)

  •  It was suggested that the movement of the maggots might have been influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field. Suggest one simple way of repeating the investigation which would avoid this possibility.
    • rotate box
    • place magnets around box
  • The muscle is a effector in a simple reflex arc
  • Effect of gravitropism on IAA
    IAA moves to underside therefore roots grow downwards and shoots grow upwards
  • TROPISM= Directional response of plant to a stimulus and respond by regulating growth
  • RP- Using choice chamber to investigate response
    eg. light on woodlice
    • divide petridish into compartment for light intensity
    • cover one Half in dark card and put damp filter paper in both halves
    • place mesh over and put woodlice in centre
    • After 10 mins take lid off and record where they are
    Can be repeated investigating humidity too by using damp filter paper and a drying agent
  • Role of auxin
    stimulate growth of shoots and inhibit growth of roots
  • effect of phototropism on IAA
    • IAA moves to shady side in both
    • SHOOTS= therefore grow /bend towards light
    • ROOTS= therefore Bend away from the light
  • positive tropism= growth towards stimulus
    (vice versa)
    • Gibberellins stimulate seed germination and flowering.
    • Abscisic acid (ABA) helps plants respond to environmental stress and is involved in stomatal closure.
    • Cytokinins stimulate cell division and cell differentiation.
    • Ethene stimulates flowering and fruit ripening.
  • Auxins promote cell elongation in shoots but have the opposite effect in roots
  • tip produces IAA
  • How does IAA actually work?
    enters the nucleus of plant cells and binds to the promoter regions of DNA. It then acts as a transcription factor, activating or inhibiting the transcription of genes which code for proteins involved in cell elongation and growth.
  • How is IAA transported?
    transported around the plant in the phloem then moves shorter distances within the plant (from cell to cell) by diffusion and active transport.
  • how is IAA moved from cell to cell
    diffusion and active transport
  • TAXIS= organism moves towards or away from a directional stimulus. eg light
  • KINESIS=movements in response to a non-directional stimulus. EG humidity