
Cards (5)

  • My palate hung with starlight:
    As I tasted the salty Pleiades
    'palate' - roof of mouth + ability to distinguish different flavours
    'starlight / As I tasted the salty Pleiades' - sibilance emphasises smooth process of swallowing oyster + refers to sexual pleasure
    'Pleiades' - star cluster (seven sisters) + Greek myth actual sister of Atlas (Sky Titan) + Pleione (Sea Nymph)
  • Orion dipped his foot into the water.
    'Orion' - a hunter who pursued Pleione + seven sisters, interpreted as Britain colonising Ireland + reference to Roman Empire
    'water' - symbol of fertility
  • Alive and violated,
    They lay on their bed of ice:
    Bivalves: the split bulb 

    'Alive and violated,' - anthropomorphisation changes POV, connotes rape + power
    'bed of ice' - oxymoronic phrase suggests comfort + coldness, immobility + helplessness (sacrifice?)
    'Bivalves' - mollusc
    'split bulb' - reference to division between Northern Ireland + Southern Ireland
  • The Romans hauled their oysters south to Rome:
    Glut of privilege
    And was angry that my trust could not repose
    'Romans hauled' - suggests hard work to obtain luxury, criticism of Empire + 'raping' environment (Britain to Ireland)
    'south to Rome' - British sending Irish produce south to London
    'Glut of privilege' - connotes status, London benefit from Irish
    'And was angry' - enjambment from previous stanza, anger of Irish who have failed to save their country
    'my trust' - Ireland's trust
    'could not repose' - Ireland being caught off guard
  • Might quicken me into verb, pure verb.

    Irish encouraged to action, a baby in the womb quickens before birth