[MPP] 02 Personality

Cards (26)

  • 4 personality dimensions: 1. self-monitoring, 2. proactive personality, 3. self-esteem, 4. self-efficacy
  • self-monitoring is the extent to which a person is capable of monitoring his/her actions and appearance in social situations
  • proactive personality refers to a person's inclination to fix what is wrong, change things, and use initiative to solve problems
  • self- esteem is the degree to which a person has overall positive feelings about himself or herself
  • self-efficacy is a belief that one can perform a specific task successfully
  • personality testing in employee selection: 1. job interviews, and 2. personality testing
  • values refer to people's stable life goals, reflecting what is most important to them
  • 10 values that people care about: 1. achievement, 2. benevolence, 3. conformity, 4. hedonism, 5. power, 6. security, 7. self-direction, 8. stimulation, 9. tradition, 10. universalism
  • perception is the process by which individuals detect and formulate responses, and act accordingly
  • optical illusion is a phenomenon where our visual perception goes beyond the physical information
  • self-perception can be in 3 forms such as: 1. self-enhancement bias, 2. self-effacement bias, 3. false consensus error
  • social perception is how we perceive other people in our environment is also shaped by our biases
  • stereotypes often create a situation called self-fulfilling prophecy
  • stereotypes persist because of a process called selective perception
  • attitude refers to the opinions, beliefs, and feelings of a person about aspects of the environment
  • job satisfaction is the feeling people have when they do something toward their job
  • organization commitment is the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for
  • to assess work attitudes in the workplace there is a need to conduct: 1. attitude surveys, and 2. exit interviews
  • behavior is a function of the person and situation interacting with each other
  • person-organization fit refers to the degree to which a person's personality, values, goals, and others match those of the organization
  • person-job fit is the degree to which a person's knowledge, skills, abilities, and others match the job demands
  • 4 indicators of work behaviors: 1. job performance, 2. organizational citizenship, 3. absenteeism, 4. turnover
  • job performance refers to the level which an employee successfully fulfills the factors included in the job description
  • organization citizenship behaviors (OCB) are voluntary behaviors employees perform to help other benefit the organization
  • absenteeism refers to unscheduled absences from work
  • turnover refers to an employee's leaving an organization