the apparent change in frequency and wavelength of a sound wave caused by the motion of the soundsource relative to the observer
what is doppler shift used for?
to measure bloodvelocity = speed + direction
if received freq is < transmitted freq, what kind of Doppler shift?
if received freq is > transmitted freq, what kind of Doppler shift?
what's demodulation?
isolates the frequency shift from the received signal, allowing the Doppler system to determine the direction of blood flow
speed vs velocity
speed = magnitude
velocity = magnitude + direction
according to the Doppler shift equation, which variable changes?
CW Doppler requires 2 crystals
CW Doppler requires 2 crystals where:
1 continuously transmits the sound wave
1 continuously receives the sound wave
advantages of CW Doppler
able to measure high velocities
disadvantages of CW Doppler
lacks TGC
no anatomical image - only accurate waveforms
range ambiguity
PW Doppler requires at least 1 crystal
PW Doppler requires at least 1 crystal where it:• alternates between sending + receiving signals
advantages of PW Doppler
range resolution
disadvantages of PW Doppler
what's the most common error associated with Doppler ultrasound?
what's Nyquist limit?
the maximum velocity that is displayed without aliasing
formula for Nyquist limit
Nyquist limit = PRF / 2
2 ways to avoid aliasing
increase Nyquist limit
reduce Doppler shift
CW transducers are used to detect:
low amplitude waveforms
very large Doppler shifts
CW transducers do not use backing material causing:• narrow bandwidth• high sensitivity
2 different color maps can be used:• Velocity• Variance
wall filter aka
high pass filter
Ghosting & Clutter• occurs when anatomy moves (heart contractions, blood vessel wallmovement) creating low frequency Doppler shifts that are picked up adisplayed
on spectral waveforms, ghosting & clutter is called:
on color Doppler, ghosting & clutter is called:
ghosting artifact
power Doppler pros
increased sensitivity to low flow (venous flow or small vessels)