Pre-1936 part 1

Cards (100)

  • who won the national elections on 12th April 1931
  • when did Alfonso XIII go into exile
    14th April 1931
  • what were the four parties in the Provisional Government
    PSOE, moderate republicans, radical republicans, conservatives
  • who was head of the PSOE
  • who was head of the moderate republicans
  • who was head of the radical republicans
  • who was head of the conservatives
  • what did the second republic constitution state
    secular education, free speech, voting rights for women, legalised divorce
  • what was the catholic church banned from
  • when were Jesuits expelled
    January 1932
  • where were there attacks on religious buildings
    Madrid and Barcelona
  • how many senior military officers were there at the time of the second republic's formation
  • what was the rise of unemployment between 1931 and 1933
    400,000 - 600,000
  • why did people struggle to make a living
    had very small plots of land which they worked on
  • how much were Spanish stocks and shares worth
    63% of their 1929 value
  • how much was industrial output of the 1929 figure
  • how many deputies did the PSOE have
  • how many deputies did the moderate republicans have
  • how many deputies did the radical republicans have
  • how many deputies did the conservatives have
  • what did the PSOE want
    social change for workers
  • what were the moderate republicans views
  • what were the radical republicans views

    did not like radicalism of socialists
  • what did the conservatives want
    no monarchy, landowners, army and catholic church
  • what were the 6 early reforms
    military, agrarian, church-state, industrial modernisation, education, regional
  • how many senior military figures were forced to retire
    40% (8,000)
  • who was angered by the military reform

  • what were the successes of the military reform
    saved money and advanced liberal democracy
  • what were the failures of the military reform law
    army angered and increased opposition
  • when was the agrarian reform law
  • what did the agrarian reform law do
    focused on larger states over 56 acres
  • when was the law of municipal boundaries introduced
  • what were the successes of the agrarian reform

    initial enthusiasm
  • what were the failures of the agrarian reform
    failed due to economic conditions, only resettled a few families, neither left nor right was satisfied
  • what articles separated the church and state
    articles 26 and 27
  • why did Azana dislike the catholic church
    he thought it was responsible for holding back social and economic progress
  • what happened to religious teaching
  • what happened to priests
    stopped giving them state salery
  • what were the successes of the church-state reform
    the Spanish Jesuit order of priests was expelled, Catholicism was weakened
  • what were the failures of the church-state reform
    Azana's government seen as dismissive, government looked anti-clerical