“Social groups create deviance by creating the rules whose infraction constitutes deviance and by applying those rules to particular people and labelling them as outsiders“
Moral Entrepreneurs - How and why rules and laws get made.
Creation of outsiders - outlaws or deviants who break the new rule.
Expansion of social control agencies - such as the police to enforce the rule and impose labels on offenders.
Labelling theory
Whether a person is arrested, charged or convicted depends on:
Their interactions with agencies of social control such as courts.
Their appearance, backgrounds and personal biography
The situation and circumstance of the offence
Cicourel - Negotiation of Justice
Found typifications (their common sense theories or stereotypes of what the typical delinquent is like)
Law enforcement showing a class bias towards working class
Police patrolling working class areas more intensively, ore arrests and confirming their stereotypes
Youths from such backgrounds as likely to offend in the future.
Justice is not fixed but negotiable
Lemert - Primary and Secondary deviance, effects of labelling
Primary and secondary deviance
Primary: Deviant acts that have not been publicly labelled “moments of madness“
Secondary: Result of societal reaction, being caught and publicly labelled as criminal.
Master status — Deviant career
Jock Young - Hippies in Nottingham
Drugs were peripheral to hippies lifestyle
Labelling by the police led hippies to increasingly see themselves as outsiders
Retreated into closed groups where they became deviant subcultures
Not the act itself, but the reaction of society that creates deviance
Criticism: People have the choice whether to be deviant or not.
Stan Cohen - FolkDevils and Moral Panic
Look at the reaction to ‘mods and rockers’ disturbances
Press exaggeration / distorted reporting = moral panic
Led to deviance amplification - deviance amplification spiral
Labelling view of crime
Interested in how and why acts are defined as criminal
The reaction to an act that labels the person as criminal or act as deviant