Observe the 14 Rights of drug administration
Practice asepsis. Wash hands before and after preparing medications
Nurses who administer medications are responsible for their own actions. Question any order that you consider incorrect (maybe unclear or inappropriate)
Be knowledgeable about the medications that you administer
Keep narcotics in locked place
Use only medications that are in clearly labeled containers. Re-labelling of drugs is the responsibility of the pharmacist
Return liquid that are cloudy in color to the pharmacy
Before administering the medication, identify the client correctly
Do not leave the medication at the bedside. Stay with the client until he actually takes the medications
The nurse who prepares the drug administers it. Only the nurse who prepared the drug knows what that drug is. Do not accept endorsement of medications
If the client vomits after taking the medication, report this to the nurse in- charge or physician
Preoperative medications are usually discontinued during the postoperative period unless ordered to be continued
When a medication is omitted for any reason, record the fact together with the reason
When a medication error is made, report immediately to the nurse in- charge or physician. To implement necessary measures immediately. This may prevent any adverse effects of the drug