Common law system, law developed through court cases
EU law
Civil law system, law is mainly codified and inspired by Roman law
Most companies in the US are Delaware companies
Delaware corporation
Company legally registered in Delaware but may conduct business in any state
Delaware began adopting laws in the 19th century to attract businesses away from other states
If a Belgian company is active in Belgium but managed in France
French law is applicable
Incorporation Theory
Applicable law is the law of the country where the company has been incorporated
Real Seat Theory
Applicable law is the law of the country where the company is effectively managed
A non-profit can't provide a dividend to its members, while a company can
Lion Clause
Can exclude a shareholder from participating in the losses but not from participating in the profits of a company
Meeting of the incorporators before the notary public
Financial plan must cover at least two financial years and will only be used if the company goes bankrupt within 3 years
Changing the articles of association
Must go through the notary public
Contribution of industry/labor is not possible in capital companies as it isn't considered economically valuable
Procedure for contribution of a building to the capital/equity of a company
1. Report by the incorporators
2. Report by the statutory auditor
3. Report by the incorporators finalized
Instead of contributing something into the capital, an incorporator/director/shareholder sells something to the company and receives money, not shares
Nominal value = amount of capital / # of shares
Face value = not mentioned in articles of association
Equity value = equity of the company / # of shares issued
Tag along right
Other shareholders have the right to offer their shares against the same conditions when a shareholder is selling to a third party
Drag along right
A shareholder willing to sell can force the other shareholders to sell their shares to the same third party
Changing the articles of association
Always requires approval by the general meeting, even though it also requires going through the notary public
Financial Assistance
Credit provided by a company to help acquire its own shares, can be a loan, advances, etc.
Governance structures
Sole Director
Monistic Governance (Board of Directors)
Dual Governance (Supervisory Board and Executive Board)
Collegial Organ
Decisions are taken by majority
Full authority
The Board of Directors has all competencies except those reserved for the General Meeting
Infringements of the BCCA (Code of Companies and Associations) result in collective liability, the only way to escape is to inform the General Meeting and have your dissenting opinion recorded
Several liability
Individual liability for infringement of the BCCA
For a simplified merger, there will be no issuance of new shares because the company entirely owns the acquired one
Consequences of a merger
Transfer of all assets to another company (merger by acquisition)
Transfer of all assets to a newly formed company (merger by incorporation)
Simplified merger where a company is entirely acquired by another with no new shares issued
Retroactivity or retrospective law allows a merger to be implemented legally on a certain date but for accounting purposes from an earlier date
De-merger consequences include transfer of all assets and liabilities, the de-merged company ceasing to exist, and the shareholders of the de-merged company becoming shareholders of the acquiring company
Corporate Law - Summary
Sources of Corporate Law
Code of companies and associations
Civil code
European directives
Legal doctrine
Most important EU directives
2nd directive of 13 December 1976 on the protection of capital
3rd directive of 9 October of 1978 on the merger of public liability companies
4th directive of 25 July 1978 on the annual accounts of companies
6th directive of 17 December 1983 on the de-merger of public limited liability companies
EU Directives
Provide an efficient and modern legal framework
Give (group of) companies a competitive advantage against other world players
Communication from the Commission to set out objectives to harmonise and modernise corporate law within the EU
Groups consulted by the Commission
SLIM – Simpler legislation for the Internal Market
High Level Group chaired by Mr. Jaap Winter
EU law
Civil law (based on Roman law), legislation is main source of law
US/UK law
Common law, case law is main source of law
Well-developed corporate law and court cases, most companies in US are Delaware companies, more predictable – more certainty for companies
Incorporation theory
Applicable law = law of country where the company has been incorporated
Real seat theory
Applicable law = law of country where the company is effectively managed