This offence is provided under Section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.This offence is a statutory offence and it is a TEW offence that has a fixed term sentence of 5 years.
The actus reus of this offence is:assault or battery causing actual bodily harm
Chan Fook defines ABH as: injury that is 'not so trivial to be wholly insignificant'.
Chan Fook also stated this includes psychiatirc injury, but must be 'more than mere emotions such as fear or distress'.
Burstow confirms psychiatric injury can be ABH
Smith(Michael): Causing discomfort is sufficient for ABH.For example, cutting someone's hair
T v DPP: ABH includes momentary loss of consciousness
Mens rea of this offence is: Intention or Recklessness to cause assault(causing apprehension of unlawful force) or battery (applying unlawful force) as outlined in Savage