NS:response to stim

Cards (5)

    1. stimulus is detected by receptor cells
    2. impulses sent along sensory-relay-motor neurones
    3. impulse recieved by effector
  • pupil response
    • changing diametre of pupil helps to control how much light is hitting the retina
    • circular muscles contract to constrict pupil
    • radian muscles contract to dialate pupil
    these muscles work antagonisitically, when one is contracting the other is relaxing
  • in bright light
    • bright light detected by light receptors in eyes
    • electrical impulse passed along senory neurone to the CNS
    • CNS coordinates response and send impulse along motor neurone
    • =circular muscles contract and radial muscles relax in the iris-pupil constricts, limiting damage to the retina
  • in low light
    • low light detected by light receptors in eyes
    • electrical impulse passed along the sensory neurone to the CNS
    • CNS coordinates response and sends impulse along the motor neurone
    • =circular muscles relax and radial muscles contract in the iris-pupil dilates, allowing more light to hit the retina
  • light receptors=photoreceptors