Church lacked support of working class, especially the urban working class. Instead, more popular with the conservative middle class.
Republican Socialist coalition gained a majority in the June 1931 elections (over 70%)
Falange was founded in 1933 by Primo de Rivera.
bitterly against regional separatism
endorsed violence
Gil-Robles was leader of CEDA in 1934
1936 uprising was argued to have been due to the government losing control (though this was from both left-wing and right-violence)
war of attrition only worked when:
there was enough important resources
foreign support
government could maintain and manage its economy, morale and political cohesion
Falange leader Primo de Rivera killed in early on in war, freeing up leadership for Franco (who disliked him). However, did put large public emphasis on his funeral
By end of July 1938, republicans had:
capital (Madrid)
most of industry
most of population
backed by navy and most of air force
Nationalists had:
rural areas
most of army combat units
experiences Army of Africa
foreign intervention
Germans helped to transport nearly 14,000 troops by air from Morocco (circumventing blockade by navy)
May 1937- fighting between different republican factions in Catalonia, over stance on Anarchists
civil war allowed Germany and Italy to test out weapons and tactics, shown in continued terror bombings (e.g. Madrid, Guernica) from 1936 to 1938. Important in destroying morale
The day after Barcelona fell (January 1939), Britain and France recognised the Nationalist government
memorialisation of the war was important to Franco's regime - the Valley of the Fallen was designed as a monument to the Nationalist dead
End of civil war was named 'Day of Victory'
Threat of the US cutting off oil supplies led to Franco cutting off supplies of tungsten to Germany
1938- Catalan autonomy banned, and culture removed (Catalan names and national dance)
1973- Blanco (supporter, prime minister and potential successor for Franco) assassinated.
King Juan Carlos helped transition to democracy, helping encourage Francoists and the military to accept the new order (as they looked up to him, many in the army were monarchists)
Though late Franco years saw transition to democracy, it maintained oppressive system including a violent police force