Required Practical 10 - Decay

Cards (5)

  • Testing the affect of temperature on the decay of milk
    A) pipette
    B) lipase
    C) lipase
    D) Cresol red
    E) sodium carbonate
    F) purple
    G) alkaline
    H) thermometer
    I) lipase
    J) timer
    K) yellow
    L) acidic
    M) temperatures
  • What colour is cresol red in alkalines and acids?
    • Alkalines - red
    • Acids - yellow
  • Why does the milk become acidic during decay?
    Lipase enzymes will break down fat molecules into fatty acids, causing it the milk solution to become acidic
  • Why is it important to use a clean test tube for the milk for each experiment?
    Any traces of lipase from the previous experiment will trigger the experiment before we are ready
  • The results being subjective can be a problem. How can we solve this problem?
    Sharing data with other groups and calculating a mean