Transmission of communicable diseases

Cards (13)

  • how are diseases transmitted through direct contact in animals?
    • kissing or any contact with body fluids of another person
    • direct skin-to-skin contact e.g. ring worm
    • microorganisms from foeces transmitted on the hands
  • how are diseases transmitted through inoculation?
    • through a break in the skin
    • from an animal bite e.g. rabies
    • through a puncture would or through sharing needles
  • how are diseases transmitted through ingestion?
    • taking in contaminated food or drink, or transferring pathogens to the mouth from the hands
  • how are diseases transmitted through fomites?
    • inanimate objects such as bedding, socks, or cosmetics can transfer pathogens
  • how are diseases transmitted through droplet infection?
    • minute droplets of saliva and mucus are expelled from your mouth as you talk, cough or sneeze
    • if these droplets contain pathogens, when healthy individuals breath the droplets in they may become infected
  • how are diseases transmitted through vectors?
    • a vector transmits communicable pathogens from one host to another
    • not always animals e.g. mosquitos (malaria)
  • how does climate change affect disease transmission?
    • introduce new vectors and new diseases e.g. increased temperatures promote spread of malaria as mosquito species is able to survive over a wider area
  • how does culture and infrastructure affect disease transmission?
    • in many countries traditional medical practises can increase transmission
  • how does poor disposal of waste affect disease transmission?
    • provides breeding sites for vectors, any waste container holding water provides a breeding space for mosquitos so increase malaria
  • what other factors affect disease transmission?
    • overcrowded living and working conditions
    • poor nutrition
    • socioeconomic factors - insufficient public warning
  • how are diseases transmitted through direct contact in plants?
    • direct contact of a healthy plant with any part of a diseased plant
  • how are diseases transmitted in soil contamination?
    • infected plants leave pathogens or reproductive spores in the soil - can infect next crop
    • e.g. black sigatoka spores, ring rot
    • some pathogens can survive composting process so infection cycle can be completed when contaminated compost is used
  • how are diseases transmitted through vectors?
    • wind - pathogens carried in the wind
    • water - spores swim in surface film of water on leaves, raindrop splashes carry pathogens/spores
    • animals - insects and birds carry pathogens and spores from one plant to another as they feed
    • humans - pathogens/spores transmitted by hands, clothing, fomites, farming practices and transporting of plants