
Cards (5)

  • Manufacture of lime:
    1. Obtained from the thermal decomposition of limestone in a lime kiln
    2. CaCO3 + heat →  CaO + CO2
    3. Slaked lime (Calcium Hydroxide): small amounts of water is slowly added to lime
    CaO + H2OCa(OH)2
  • What are the uses of lime?
    • Neutralizing acidic industrial waste products e.g. flue gas desulfarization
    • Manufacture of steel
  • What are the uses of slaked lime?
    • Neutralizing soil acidity levels
    • Production of sugar from sugar cane
  • What are the uses of limestone?
    1. Making cement
    2. Making iron from iron ore
  • How cement is made with limestone: strongly heat powdered limestone with clay in a kiln; add gypsum (calcium sulphate).