Adrenaline and its effects (6) potentially
- known as the 'fight or flight' hormone produced where the body may be in danger
- increase in heart rate and breathing rate - ensures glucose and oxygen can be delivered to muscle cells (CO2 can be taken away) at a faster rate
- diverting blood flow towards muscles and away from non-essential parts of the body such as the alimentary canal - ensures an increased supply of the reactants of respiration
- dilation of the blood vessels inside muscles- ensures more blood can circulate through them (again, supplying more glucose and oxygen)
- breaking down of stored glycogen to glucose in the liver and muscle class, with glucose released by the liver being transported to active muscle cells - ensures a higher blood glucose concentration for increased respiration in muscle cells (more ATP for movement)
- dilating pupils to allow as much light as possible to reach retina - more information can be sent to the brain