Deforestation and Land Use

Cards (6)

  • We use land for building, quarrying, farming and waste dumping. This means less land is available for other organisms.
  • Deforestation can be done to clear land for farming, for more food and to grow crops from biofuels
  • Deforestation problems
    • Cutting down more trees means less CO2 is removed from the atmosphere since photosynthesis is reduced
    • CO2 is released when trees are burnt to clear land
    • Microorganisms feeding on dead wood release CO2 as a waste product of respiration
    • Decreased biodiversity
  • Destroying peat bogs
    • Carbon in plants is stored in peat
    • Peat reacts with oxygen and microorganisms begin to decompose it, this releases Co2 from respiration
    • CO2 is released when peat is burned as a fuel
    • Reduced habitats of the plants and animals which live there, decreasing biodiversity
  • Protecting ecosystems
    • Breeding programmes to help endangered species
    • Programmes to regenerate rare habitats to protect the species which live there
    • Programmes to reintroduce hedgerows and field margins to provide a habitat for a wider variety of organisms
    • Reduce the levels of deforestation taking place
    • Reduce the amount of waste dumped in landfill sites
  • Costs of protection
    • Costs a lot of money
    • Costs to local people livelihood
    • Uncertianty to food security
    • Development is important but it can affect the environment