Mass of Earth and the force of gravity retain an atmosphere
Gases are resources
Temperature range controlled by insolation and atmospheric processes
Roles of
Absorption of infrared energy
Atmospheric gases
Gases were present in the atmosphere and dissolved in the oceans (where life began)
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide
A source of carbon to make organic molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
A source of carbon and energy for metabolism
For protein synthesis
Solvent for biological reactions
High heat capacity reduces temperature fluctuations
Anomalous expansion when freezing stops convection currents
Absorbed UV light protecting life in deeper water
Sunlight was a major source of the energy that warmed the Earth
Sunlight absorbed by the Earth's surface
Re-emitted by the Earth as infrared and absorbed by atmospheric gases
Position in the solar system
Temperature controlled by distance from the Sun
Orbital behaviour controls daily and seasonal variations in insolation and temperatures
Distances where life would be possible 100m-250m km from the Sun (the Goldilocks zone)
Rotation is fast enough that there is not excessive heating during the day or cooling at night
The tilt on its axis produces seasonal variations in temperature and insolation
Protects from harmful solar radiation
How the presence of life has caused environmental change
1. Oxygen production by photosynthetic bacteria, algae and plants
2. Formation of the ozone layer
3. Carbon sequestration by photoautotrophs
4. Development of biogeochemical cycles
Oxygen released by photosynthesis was consumed by reactions with dissolved iron in the oceans, forming Proterozoic iron sediments (approx. 2.45 years ago)
Oxygen that built up in the atmosphere absorbed UV light from the Sun, producing monatomic O, which reacted to produce O3
Some of the carbon captured by photosynthesis entered long-term lithosphere stores such as fossil fuels and carbonate rocks, reducing atmospheric CO2 levels and preventing excessive temperature rise as the energy output of the Sun increased
Living organisms are involved in all biogeochemical cycles, maintaining linked dynamic equilibria
How historical conditions for life were monitored in the past and how these methods have been developed over time
1. Limitations of early methods
2. Improved methods
Proxy data can be inaccurate as many variables, that can't be measured, may have influenced the data
Lack of rapid communications made data sharing more difficult
Many monitoring technologies have only been developed recently
Early equipment was often simple, inaccurate and not standardised
Researchers were not evenly distributed around the world
Improved methods
Collection of long-term data sets
Use of electronic monitoring equipment
Improved methods
Gas analysis of ice cores
Isotope analysis
CO2 concentrations are used in long-term analysis of climate change
The ratio of oxygen16 to oxygen 18 allows estimation of past temperatures
Levels of beryllium10 indicate past solar activity. Peaks of beryllium 10 can be used to date-match data from different ice cores
These allow the collection of: continual/frequent data sets, data over larger areas, data higher in the atmosphere/in locations where it is impractical to have human researchers