Hyrdocarbons are organic compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen. There are 4 general classes of hyrdocarbons; Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes and Arenes.
What is Hydrocarbons?
Alkanes is a single bond of carbon and hydrogen bonded along the sides.
What is Alkanes?
Alkanes general formula is CnH2n+2, and n = number of carbons
Alkanes is also called saturated hyrdocarbons, meaning the atoms have single bonds
What is Alkanes called?
Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Because Alkenes must have one double carbon bond, it means that there is no 1 carbon alkene.
What is Alkenes?
Alkenes have the general formula; CnH2n, and n = number of carbons.
General formula for alkenes
When bromine water(orange) comes into contact with alkanes, it stays orange. If bromine water comes into contact with alkene, it turns colourless.